View Full Version : Thanks Autogeek and it's members!

10-17-2014, 04:33 AM
Here's my story.

I bought a 2012 audi a5 at an auction. The car was in a collision and perfect project for me. Being mechanically handy, the car was eventually fixed and it went off to paint.

Once the car was painted, it was obvious how neglected the factory paint looked to the fresh new paint. I also had over spray everywhere and adhesive residue - the paint guy was a little too messy for my liking probably because of the lower price I haggled to. The car had swirls everywhere since at auction people would walk in between the cars while they are auction and touch them everywhere while they are caked in dust.

I only had minor detailing experience before. Spot clay here, wax there - never anything of this sort and I was overwhelmed. After searching for a good detailer and realizing how much a quality polish would be, I started lurking on this forum.

I read Mike Phillips (was always curious how'd he loose half his leg?) articles and user reviews from all you guys. I realized I could buy everything including a DA polisher and still be under the cost if someone else did it.

I ended up buying,
Waxed shine DA polisher (600w) Canadian company so I shipping was cheap.
3 LC pads.
Wolfgang Uber
Wolfgang finishing glaze
Klasse sealant glaze

After I clay bared all the over spray and glue off the car. I had a good base to get compounding. I've read how good Uber was and was still shocked how much cut I was getting and how well it was finishing out. I even thought about skipping the Wolfgang finishing glaze on the black car, happy I didn't though because after the finishing glaze, the paint popped! I know that 90 percent of you guys can do way better than me but for a rookie like me, and being a daily driver, it's good enough for me ☺

Right now I am in the process of sealing. I already did one coat but waiting 8-12 hours before I can apply another coat.

The car already looks so good my neighbors are shocked that such things could be accomplished with a buffer - their all old lol.

So what I wanted to say is THANKS TO ALL YOU GUYS. I'll post pics once I'm all done and have some time.

(BTW I'm never buying a black car again)

10-17-2014, 04:44 AM
I read Mike Phillips (was always curious how'd he loose half his leg?) articles and user reviews from all you guys. I realized I could buy everything including a DA polisher and still be under the cost if someone else did it.

His boat ran him over. There's more to it. Ill let him tell his story.

(BTW I'm never buying a black car again)

Black is where its at! lol

Where are the pictures?

Paul A.
10-17-2014, 08:04 AM
Congrats on picking up a beautiful ride! I love the new A5's (and i drive a BMW...don't tell anyone i said that).

You either love black paint or you hate it. I am in the former category. I got one specifically to refine my detailing skills and you might want to consider that it will help you really see how techniques, methods, products etc. Will help you learn. Hey...you already have amazed your neighbors!

Keep pluggin my friend and i agree about how infinately helpful the folks are here at AG.

10-17-2014, 02:23 PM
It's funny how before I thought you just had to live with swirls. Now when I drive by coin washes and I see people using that nasty brush I grind my teeth lol.

Already looking for new products and tips to tackle my mom's neglected car.

Quick question also, after I applied a 2nd coat of klasse sealent, I got stuck in a heavy rain storm about 3 hours after application. Will that hinder it's curing and will I have to redo a coat?

10-17-2014, 02:45 PM
congrats on the the car and working out all the scratches and swirls out of it. the rain should not affect the sealant.

10-17-2014, 04:29 PM

10-18-2014, 01:42 AM

Beautiful reflection!

You should be ok curing.

10-18-2014, 05:07 AM
Wow, awesome reflection shot. There's nothing prettier then a properly detailed black vehicle. :)

10-18-2014, 02:48 PM
Yup I'm in the process of my lsp.

I already did 3 coats of sealant but might do another 4th considering I put so little klasse on. Just to ensure full coverage.

But I can't being to appreciate all the great information on this site. I just became a member but been reading and lurking for so long.

I have some left over body panels from my rebuilt that were going to go to the garbage but now I think I'll experiment on them. Maybe I'll try some wet sanding on a lazy day ☺

I think I'm getting addicted. Lol Thanks guys.

10-19-2014, 04:38 AM
Isn't it satisfying to be able to improve your car's finish on your own?

After each step it's really nice to be able to step back and take it in. Knowing that you have developed a new skill and can now keep all your cars looking like they just left the showroom.

:dblthumb2: :Picture:

Just beware. There is always that new product or technique that you just "have" to try.

It become worse than women and shoes.