View Full Version : Hard water spots help... with everything.

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10-06-2014, 02:25 PM
Hello Everyone,

My car has hard water spots everywhere, including the glasses. Car is solid white, 2012 and in perfect condition other than the water spots. I wash it regularly, but have applied wax/sealant maybe once or twice. I know nothing on the subject, but know how to apply a coat of wax.
It is about time to get rid of the water spots and get the car looking new again.
The way I see I have only two options; find a good professional in my area (SE FL) or learn the science and do it myself. I would not have a problem buying a buffer, but would need to know what products to use (and how to use the buffer). I have the Pinnacle Black Label Surface Cleaning Polish and the Diamond Paint Coating, but will only use them after the water spots are gone.
I did find a ton of info here, but maybe there is a better solution for a white car, I don't know.
I would really appreciate if you guys could give me a hand here.
Thank you all in advance.

10-06-2014, 02:42 PM
You are in an area that you should be able to find a professional detailer that could help you with this.

Other than that, you could also buy some CarPro Water Spot remover. I have used it and it works great. It will leave the glass looking like new.


10-06-2014, 02:48 PM
Thank you HUMP. Just added the CarPro Spotless Water Spot Remover to my cart. I have pretty much tried everything of this kind available, but will try this one.


10-06-2014, 02:48 PM
Here are your first baby steps:

1) Wash and strip the old LSP (if any remain)
2) Use clay to see if you can remove the minerals... if successful go to LSP step, if not proceed to #3
3) Use CarPro Spotless as directed on glass and paint (some have had success with vinegar) or other products of the sort. If successful wash and dry and proceed to LSP step, if not proceed to #4
4) If not extensive, light polish by hand (with the least aggressive compound), if extensive use polisher (with the least aggressive compound). If successful do an IPA or Eraser wipe down and proceed to LSP step, if not repeat #4 with more aggressive compound. If still not successful then find a car care professional.
5) If successful or if you cannot bring about better results (due to time, finance, or the type of water spots, etc...) then apply your LSP (last step protection). Because you live in FL, you will need to reapply quarterly or face the same problem.

Make sure to read Mike's article on the type of water spots

Don't forget to avoid parking near sprinklers or under leaky pipes in parking structures.

If you want an example of water spot removal on glass (and minor etching on paint) check out the Show and Shine I shared a while back. http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/show-n-shine/85004-show-n-shine-porsche-panamera-part-2-how-clean-protect-your-lens-windows-leather.html

10-06-2014, 02:49 PM
Not trying to jack the original posters thread, but I also struggle with water spots on glass. I have used a water spot remover polish made by Chemical Guys that was barely effective and even have found that CarPro spotless won't even touch them.

What do you professionals do???

10-06-2014, 02:58 PM
Not trying to jack the original posters thread, but I also struggle with water spots on glass. I have used a water spot remover polish made by Chemical Guys that was barely effective and even have found that CarPro spotless won't even touch them.

What do you professionals do???

I follow the step I delineated in my previous post. If you want to see how successful, you can see example on glass in the link provided (just click the hyperlink) or look for the 3rd installment which was the paint work

10-06-2014, 03:10 PM
Dr Pain,

1) done.
2) done, didn't work.
3) will try CarPro as suggested. However, I don't think it will work. The spots are etched to the painting. I've tried vinegar, lime juice, baking soda and everything else I could find. No results.
4) it is extensive. Some lighter than others, but tons of them.

I will follow the links sent and read them.

I do appreciate you taking the time to reply to me.


10-06-2014, 03:28 PM
Dr Pain,

1) done.
2) done, didn't work.
3) will try CarPro as suggested. However, I don't think it will work. The spots are etched to the painting. I've tried vinegar, lime juice, baking soda and everything else I could find. No results.
4) it is extensive. Some lighter than others, but tons of them.

I will follow the links sent and read them.

I do appreciate you taking the time to reply to me.


These types of water spots (etched) will only respond to polishing/compounding

This is a picture of a Range Rover I took care of a while back

https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/21290_517591064969939_604328091_n.jpg?oh=d9b16a27e 601aa35b0d179a31cc10231&oe=54C4313E&__gda__=1421487374_b03ef0b396e52dd6b053d594e0ee206 8
https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/v/t1.0-9/943614_517591074969938_314430941_n.jpg?oh=5e0869d5 182240986063c238399d8201&oe=54C994E4&__gda__=1421294597_c4d641a6ca8fdf4d9dc970a860098ba f

Etched water spots will not respond to Spotless. Spotless's purpose is to dissolve the minerals left as the water dries on the paint. BTW if you can feel the etching with your finger nail you may be able to blend it (feather the edge) but at the right angle under the right light it will still be there :Picture:

10-06-2014, 05:44 PM
I don't think mine is as bad; no, it is definitely not as bad. You have to look on the right angle to see them, but they are there.
I can't feel them with my fingernails. I guess I will buy a polisher and try something not too aggressive and see what happens.
I appreciate your reply.

10-07-2014, 06:37 AM
Spotless should remove these without problem, specially on car paint,
if it didnt remove in first pass , repeat the process again,
spray, leave for few seconds agitate on the surface with soft sponge applicator or MF and rinse well with water,
on glass surface dont leave the Spotless for long time!! and much rinse well after.
dont work on hot surface or under direct sun.


10-07-2014, 11:18 AM
Spotless should remove these without problem, specially on car paint,
if it didnt remove in first pass , repeat the process again,
spray, leave for few seconds agitate on the surface with soft sponge applicator or MF and rinse well with water,
on glass surface dont leave the Spotless for long time!! and much rinse well after.
dont work on hot surface or under direct sun.


..... and who better to chime in than Avi! Great to get your input on the matter!:xyxthumbs:

10-07-2014, 02:14 PM
Hello Everyone,

For whatever reason the spots are not very visible under the sunlight; no idea why. I was going to take a picture and upload it here, but could not find the spots.
I notice them the most whenever I am washing/drying the car. Regardless, car needs some detailing.
I am going to try the Spotless as Avi suggested, thank you Avi. I am also going to get a polisher and do the whole car. Would it be a good idea? I don't have a polisher but I found a bunch of chemicals I bought long ago (XMT Series, might as well be spoiled due to the time elapsed since I bought them) and have the Pinnacle Black Label that I also have never used.

Thank you all for the replies.


10-09-2014, 07:25 AM
I agree with AVI, what I have found is that I spray the CP Spotless on the window and take an old MF polishing pad and scrub the window with it. Then rinse, and just like the name says....Spotless. I think the agitation step for me is what make it really work.


10-09-2014, 10:28 AM
Thank you all for your replies. I am going to use the Spotless and will let you know the results.
I am assuming that if the spots are gone after the Spotless, I will not need to machine polish the car; am I correct? Reason I am asking is that I don't have a polisher but had put one in the cart, but will not buy it if I won't need it.
Thanks again.

Don M
10-09-2014, 10:53 AM
Thank you all for your replies. I am going to use the Spotless and will let you know the results.
I am assuming that if the spots are gone after the Spotless, I will not need to machine polish the car; am I correct? Reason I am asking is that I don't have a polisher but had put one in the cart, but will not buy it if I won't need it.
Thanks again.

There will still be swirls and scratches that you have to deal with and having a polisher makes applying an LSP so much earier and thinner.