View Full Version : Dag gum robbers.

08-12-2007, 01:04 AM
This morning my wife comes back inside and says "You left the garage door open last night". I said "No I didn't". "Is everything still there?" She said everything looks fine.
I go out to look and my 2500 PSI pressure washer and my Craftsman toolbox have been stolen. A whole lifetime worth of tools (a bunch). They didn't touch any of my detailing stuff. Must have looked too much like work which they can't comprehend.
Like I told a nieghbor it's not the new tools that will be missed. It's the old chipped up chisel that you knew you could grab to gouge and pry something out. You'd never do that with a new chisel. Just an example.
Anyway I hope none of you ever have to go through being robbed. Some probably already have. It's a stange feeling, huh?
Well thanks for listening. Hope nothing breaks for a few weeks.

08-12-2007, 05:31 AM
Ah man so sorry to hear about that! I have never been robbed, I would be so ticked off!! I really feel bad for you, maybe this will help.... :grouphug:

08-12-2007, 05:45 AM
Oh Jimmie, I'm so sorry to hear this. I know what you mean about old tools. I have some of my Dad's old tools that I remember him using when I was a kid. It has nothing to do with the tools themselves but the memories attached to them. Some things just can't be replaced. Sorry this happened to you.

Gary Sword
08-12-2007, 06:10 AM
Sorry to hear about your loss Jimmie. Not much worth then a theif IMO. I have left my garage open a number of time and nothing has ever been stolen. Just lucky.

08-12-2007, 06:34 AM
Sorry to hear about the stolen stuff :(

After my car got broken into, I could barely get back into it and drive. I know it sounds silly, but it felt like the car was violated and dirty. Some dirty ass person was sitting in my driver's seat rummaging through my stuff and ripping stuff out of it :(

was a sad time indeed!

08-12-2007, 07:45 AM
Jimmie, man so sorry buddy. I hate that. I hope they get the guy that done it. Check around trade lots, thrift stores and second hand dealers to see if any have your tools..

08-12-2007, 09:24 AM
I've had 3 of my vehicles broken into (not all in the same area either) and one stolen out of my driveway and it's a horrible feeling for sure.......like you got violated. I hope you find who stole your stuff and have your day with them face to face----bastards:mad:! I absolutely HATE thieves----low life pieces of crap IMO. One time I went to a mall to go Christmas shopping and someone stole all of the badges off of my Mustang----in broad daylight in a crowded mall parking lot!

Gary----WOW! With 250k worth of vehicles in your garage I would highly suggest setting an alarm to help remember to close it! ;) You don't live THAT far from Surfer!! lol---j/k Surfer:D

Speaking of Surfer----where has he been lately?

08-12-2007, 09:40 AM
Sorry to hear about the stolen stuff :(

After my car got broken into, I could barely get back into it and drive. I know it sounds silly, but it felt like the car was violated and dirty. Some dirty ass person was sitting in my driver's seat rummaging through my stuff and ripping stuff out of it :(

was a sad time indeed! I know EXACTLY what you mean. Happened to my Camaro many years ago.

Very sorry to hear about the break-in, Jimmie. :( *I'm glad those idiots/cowards didn't come into your house. And that you and your family are physically fine. Things like this make my blood boil!

*Welcome guys, now meet my friends Smith & Wesson.
They're lucky they didn't break into some of you other guys homes......from the thread I read about your knife and gun collections!

08-12-2007, 09:43 AM
They're lucky they didn't break into some of you other guys homes......from the thread I read about your knife and gun collections!


08-12-2007, 10:25 AM
Reading what you guys have said made me feel a lot better. I appreciate your kind words.
Thank You All:grouphug:

08-12-2007, 10:31 AM
Reading what you guys have said made me feel a lot better. I appreciate your kind words.
Thank You All:grouphug:
Jimmie..sorry to hear about your misfortune...in other countries if you steel they just cut your hands off :D that should par for this country as well..

08-12-2007, 12:21 PM
not cool at all.....

Hows the neighborhood you live in?

08-12-2007, 12:25 PM
Ah man that sucks so sorry to hear that.

08-12-2007, 02:49 PM
not cool at all.....

Hows the neighborhood you live in?

I don't think it matters anymore.......they go after nicer neighborhoods because nice houses=nice contents. My neighborhood is actually decent.