View Full Version : Goo-Be-Gone and Over spray? HELP!

08-11-2007, 12:00 PM
I’m so upset! I took my Jag into a place to have the wheels refinished. They did a great job on the wheels but they messed up the rest of the car!

When I went to pick it up on Friday at closing time it had this hard sticky matter all over the car. They guy said they had a carpenter building something and it was just dust. I told him I brought my car in clean and that this stuff better wash off or I’d be back. He assured me the boss’s car had the same dust and it came right off.

This morning I washed the car and it made no difference. I tried clay and paint cleanser, both to no avail. The stuff feels like it might be over spray from stain mixed with sawdust. I ran it up the street to a car dealer and talked to the guys in the body shop. They said no problem, we can wipe it off with this solvent. He said he’d do it for 20 bucks.

It turned out to be a bigger job than they thought. I asked what they were using but their English is way better than my Spanish. I saw the can when a guy went to refill his spray bottle. It was Industrial Strength Goo-be-Gone. I had them stop as it seemed to be messing up the plastic trim bits. Most of the stuff came off the car, but there is still some here and there and the car finish looks terrible from the goo-be-gone.

Now I’m not sure what to do. I can go out and try to polish it with one of these:
- XMT 2
- XMT 3
- XMT 360
- Clearcoat Vanilla Compound
- P21S Paint Cleanser

But that about the trim? It’s also 100 degrees out. I’m tempted to get a pro to do the work and make the wheel place reimburse me.

Any suggestions on how to clean up the car?

08-11-2007, 02:00 PM
Update. I forgot to add above that before I told the garage guys to stop they took a rotary with a foam pad to the hood. When I got home and inspected the car more the hood I saw that they did a terrible job. Haze city my friends, haze city!

I tried the CC Compound Moose. Better, but not much. I switched to XMT 2 (using a UDM and an Orange pad). Way better!

Before picture of the whatever it was:

50/50 shot after wash, Goo-be-Gone, XMT #2 on Orange Pad with UDM:

Now I have to polish the car in 100 degree heat!

08-11-2007, 02:03 PM
Thats just sad to hear reddwarf! I hate when things like that happends, going back and compleining? Its strange the clay dident remove it, what clay do you have? Good to see that xmt and udm is working! I know what you mean about polishing in 100 degrees! Its HOT!! Hope you have a pool or lake next to you :p

Good luck!!

08-11-2007, 08:30 PM
Thats why I hate bringing my car into any shop. If I need new tires or something, then Ill take the wheels off and only bring them in. That sucks though, good luck!

08-11-2007, 08:47 PM
Sorry to hear about your misfortune. At least you have the skills and products to correct the problem.;)

08-11-2007, 09:11 PM
Sorry to hear about your misfortune. At least you have the skills and products to correct the problem.;)
I'm sorry as well...correcting the problem should not be upto him..
you need to bill them for your time...

08-11-2007, 09:20 PM
I will be going back to them for restitution.

Anyone have ideas on how best to clean up this mess? I worked on the hood some more with XMT 2 but there is a spot that I could not get off. I'm not confident in using more of the goo-be-gone. Also, where the guys put it on the trim seemed to dull it.

08-12-2007, 11:32 AM
Another update. I'm in the very hot morning and now garage using XMT 3 and 2. Making a big difference! I plan to follow up with XMT 360. That is if I don't exhaust myself from the heat first.

08-12-2007, 11:44 AM
Red, get a fan on you and keep hydrated......you and I aren't used to this crap! haha.....

Keep all of the pictures and receipts and take them to the wheel refinishing place. Make a receipt for your time and product used to correct the problem so you will get reimbursed. Man, you're taking a beating this week on the Jag!

08-12-2007, 08:39 PM
Dengood you got that right my friend. I did have a couple of fans going and I tried to drink a lot of water. I am so tired now.

Okay, so here is the final result. I used the UDM with an orange pad and XMT 3. The sides got XMT 2 in some places. I then went over the car with the UDM, green pad and XMT 360. I even used 360 on the windows The XMT 360 is awesome. Course, so is 2 and 3. I love the way the 360 just melts into the finish.

I topped it all off with Liquid Souvern Spray. I had planned to try out XMT 180, but I was too popped so I went with the Souveran spray. I love that cookie smell.



Now I just have to get some compensation from the shop for all this trouble!

08-12-2007, 08:45 PM
one.. i'm glad to see you made it through the heat safely..

two..you did a great job on the paint..i hope to see better days ahead for you..

08-13-2007, 04:49 AM
Looks great! Did you ever get the trunk fixed from the garage door? How do you like the UDM compared to the PC?

08-13-2007, 08:03 AM
Wow! Very nice cleanup from the mess they caused! You got that Jag looking sharp again.

08-13-2007, 05:36 PM
Looks great! Did you ever get the trunk fixed from the garage door? How do you like the UDM compared to the PC?

Thanks everyone!

I have not fixed the trunk. However, when I polished I was able to get rid of some of the scratches. The major scrape is still there of course. I plan to get an estimate this week.

I like the UDM a tad better than the PC. It has more power and seems to vibrate less until you hit the 5.5 mark, then hold tight!