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09-25-2014, 04:55 PM
A couple of nights ago, we went out for dinner and had leftover pizza that they packaged in a cardboard pizza box for us. She carried the box of pizza, while I carried our baby.

When we got to the car, she had to pull her keys out of her purse. It was like slow motion as she put the pizza box on top of the hood. I said, "wait, wait, wait!!!" and she put it down and asked, "what?". Me saddened, "nevermind". Then.. she thought the box wasnt stable and slid it further toward the center of the hood. Scratch city.

I haven't looked at the hood under good lighting... i fear the result. I just compounded/polished/sealed about a month ago.

09-25-2014, 04:59 PM
A couple of nights ago, we went out for dinner and had leftover pizza that they packaged in a cardboard pizza box for us. She carried the box of pizza, while I carried our baby.

When we got to the car, she had to pull her keys out of her purse. It was like slow motion as she put the pizza box on top of the hood. I said, "wait, wait, wait!!!" and she put it down and asked, "what?". Me saddened, "nevermind". Then.. she thought the box wasnt stable and slid it further toward the center of the hood. Scratch city.

I haven't looked at the hood under good lighting... i fear the result. I just compounded/polished/sealed about a month ago.

Oh Man!! I am sure it should be fine or even no scratches. The box may have been greased too much!! Positive thinking. If you need repairing it no problem!! Remember, she is still DA BOSS!!! If you have to correct you will bring it back to where it was....


09-25-2014, 05:13 PM
Kamakaz, it has some scratches, but it is a daily driver. Hopefully the UQW that i put on over the weekend acted as lubricant...

09-25-2014, 05:51 PM
It's not too late....you are not married to her yet

09-25-2014, 05:58 PM
It's not too late....you are not married to her yet

Haha! This made my day! :)

Sizzle Chest
09-25-2014, 05:59 PM
Good thread! LOL

09-25-2014, 06:16 PM

09-25-2014, 06:27 PM
My mother In-law did similar. Had a package for the wife adn when she arrived at the family party decided to place it on top my toy car and push it to the center left some nice scratches on the roof. Told the wife it they dont buff out I would be at the dealer trading it in for new one and she can wait for her new bathroom. She was lucky!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

09-25-2014, 06:33 PM
forget the hood, show us a picture of the girl so we can decide if this is a good enough opportunity to call this off. LOL. seriously though, life is short, everything can be fixed, relax. hopefully, at least the pizza was good.

09-25-2014, 06:36 PM
forget the hood, show us a picture of the girl so we can decide if this is a good enough opportunity to call this off. LOL. seriously though, life is short, everything can be fixed, relax. hopefully, at least the pizza was good.

Agree. Post pics of car & girlfriend. This is mandatory if OP wants us to advise him on how to proceed.

09-25-2014, 06:45 PM
It's totaled

09-25-2014, 07:18 PM
I know how you feel though next time get a rental car you feel such pain with a pizza box on the paintwork

09-25-2014, 08:48 PM
Well it will all buff out :)

My OH no story,, we had gotten our 73 bug, single stage green,, NOTE,, I had not discovered AGO at this point,,, so I went to work on the roof with a 5in orbital wax spreader from wall mart (turtle wax one) I spent a long time with rubbing compound and the foam and mf covers they had. I had it pretty nice for the tools I had. waxed it and was happy. a month later, i look at the roof and its all scratched up. pattern indicates a cardboard box on roof that had been pushed and pulled. I was very hot about it, yet I got the "I didn't put any boxes up there" so it was either the not me ghost, or a person parked next to her who didn't care about whose car was screwed up.

09-25-2014, 08:57 PM
OK.... so let me ask you this.....

Can you keep the baby and get a NEW girlfriend?:dunno: :rolleyes: :laughing:

"Pleasure & Pain"..... that is something we ALL live by whether we realize it or not.
Pick your pleasure, pick your pain.
Seems your 'big' baby needs to learn where your "pleasure" is, as to not cause you "pain". ;)

For instance; It's "painful" for CarMomma to get up at 5:30 to be at work at 7:45. But come every other Thursday there are several thousand reasons that make it "pleasurable". :D

Painful to work out you say? But ohhhhh that 6-pack and hard body that the girls all love.... that makes it more like pleasure, right? ;)

I agree however that we really need to see pic's. Forget the car, let's see the baby and girlfriend. :laughing: We'll advise you where to go from there. :laughing:

I say put her on a demerit system, tell her she's already had 1 strike, 1 more and SHE spends 8 hours buffing that puppy. :rolleyes:

In the meantime, she can help you detail it all day Saturday, just so that she keeps "brushed up" on her detailing skills. :buffing:

FWIW..... CarMomma said she'd not set ANYTHING on the hood, the roof maybe, but not the hood! :eek: (Then again, she has her own Rupes Duetto.) :props:

09-26-2014, 12:06 AM
My girl recently moved again, and her friends helped her on the days I was working. I had her little Yellow Canyon looking so good too.... All around the box is marred from people reaching over the sides. No worries though. Gives me a chance to fix it.

More good news is that she wants me to bring scrap car panels to the spare room to practice polishing on so I don't do insane this winter! Oh, and a silent drum set to practice on too. ��