View Full Version : CQUK and water spotting

09-24-2014, 06:42 PM
a while back I polished my car and applied CQUK on it, and in the following weeks it was coverred with waterspot that carpro's water spot remover doesn't remove, this is just from rain, car was never hosed down, and water around here is very soft (150ppm).

now a customer asked me to apply a coating to his black toyota Sequoia, but since I don't fully understand what happenned to my own car, I don't feel comfortable applying it...

does CQUK get waterspots when curing only, or can it happen even after a couple of months, when lets say, a coat of reload fades off?

when I applied reload on my car, It was getting dark, and I applied it quickly, maybe 2 sprays from the small bottle per panel, I,m thinking maybe I didn't apply enough. should I have applied 2 coats?

can CQUK be topped with sonax PNS, if so, how long to wait before? can it replace reload?


09-24-2014, 07:49 PM
I had the same thing happen to my truck, luckily, spotless took care of it. About an hour after you coat it, hit it with reload. I didn't and wish I would have. I've had no trouble since.

09-25-2014, 11:01 AM
bump, so will it still get waterspots if you don't top it every couple months with something, or does it only waterspot when it's not cured completely?

09-25-2014, 11:52 AM
I haven't had an issue on either of my personal vehicles, and they get Reload about once every few months. CarPro Reset has always done the trick for water spots.

09-25-2014, 12:10 PM
I only had the problem at first, the coating has been on there for six months and still beads like new. Don't let the spotting worry you as it isn't that bad if it does happen. You do need to ensure that it doesn't get wet immediately following application, but it's not too complicated, no worse than a standard sealant to me.

09-25-2014, 12:12 PM
Just like bare paint, coatings can be affected by water spots at any time.

I have not had too many issues with rain water, but tap water will certainly cause issues for most of us.

If treated in a timely manner, Reset or Spotless usually resolves the majority of the spots. Some of them may be bad enough that they cannot be removed with chemicals so you can either ignore them until you polish and recoat the entire car, or spot correct them and recoat those areas.

Reload is a great tool to use for additional protection... it takes no more than 10 minutes to apply to an average car and requires very little product. I highly recommend picking some up for the future.


09-25-2014, 12:15 PM
The only problem I've run into was when I first applied it, there was something that kept getting on my hood that killed the beading, but an ironx treatment took care of it every time. And a couple of weeks ago I polished some minor swirling and thought I removed tge coating, but after a couple of washes it came back.

09-25-2014, 12:24 PM
Guys the thing I really want to know is if the customer doesn't apply anything to the coating after the reload wears of, will he get water spots? When I did the application on my car, I never expected to get so many permanent water spots from plain rainwater, in so little time, maybe I didn't apply the reload correctly, but if it's the way cquk is, then I can't feel comfortable putting it on a black car that will not be topped ever

09-25-2014, 12:31 PM
Guys the thing I really want to know is if the customer doesn't apply anything to the coating after the reload wears of, will he get water spots? When I did the application on my car, I never expected to get so many permanent water spots from plain rainwater, in so little time, maybe I didn't apply the reload correctly, but if it's the way cquk is, then I can't feel comfortable putting it on a black car that will not be topped ever

You have to understand though, coatings aren't going to stop water spots, they will fall victim if not treated timely like most have stated. Coating are great for long term protection, but like other lsp's the enivorment can take a toll.

Perhaps teach this person to properly wash their car, or offer them a maintenance package and you can monitor water spotting for them?

09-25-2014, 12:35 PM
Guys the thing I really want to know is if the customer doesn't apply anything to the coating after the reload wears of, will he get water spots? When I did the application on my car, I never expected to get so many permanent water spots from plain rainwater, in so little time, maybe I didn't apply the reload correctly, but if it's the way cquk is, then I can't feel comfortable putting it on a black car that will not be topped ever

Let me see if I can answer your question. The way I see it is like this: You put a lot of time and effort into correcting the paint and the goal is to keep that look locked in for as long as possible while offering the maximum protection to the paint. Before that entailed DG 105 + Colli 845. For the last 4 years or so I've been using coatings.

Yes, he may very well get some water spotting with the coating. Given the amount of time the coatings last, I think that is a reasonable tradeoff. When you consider the UV protection, the extra surface protection against scratches and swirls, etc, the coatings are unquestionably the best protection money can buy. He'll just have to bring it back to you twice a year or so if the spots bother him. OR, give him a small sample of ReLoad and teach him how to use it properly so he can own the maintenance of the surface.

Hope that helps.

09-25-2014, 12:57 PM
I get it now, thanks guys