View Full Version : Not sure what to call it?

09-22-2014, 09:17 AM
My girlfriend got her new used Chevy Cruze 2013 model about a month ago.

It was purchased as a certified-Pre owned with 20,000 miles.

We noticed it had been repainted in some areas in the back.

But one day we noticed runs on the headlights. Kinda like clear coat runs. Her headlights were not clear compared to my sister's Cruze, but they were cloudy. We took a microfiber and some alcohol and were able to wipe the "clear" stuff away. Now the headlights look great!

Upon further inspection, the whole car has this stuff on it. I did a few spot repairs just to see what it did on the paint. The hazy clear went away and left the beautiful metallic black there to shine!!

I don't and won't have pictures until the middle of the week....but has anyone had this problem?

09-22-2014, 02:25 PM
Sounds like over spray that mostly can be removed by clay barring the paintwork

Mike Phillips
09-22-2014, 03:23 PM
But one day we noticed runs on the headlights. Kinda like clear coat runs. Her headlights were not clear compared to my sister's Cruze, but they were cloudy.

We took a microfiber and some alcohol and were able to wipe the "clear" stuff away.

Now the headlights look great!

Upon further inspection, the whole car has this stuff on it.

I did a few spot repairs just to see what it did on the paint. The hazy clear went away and left the beautiful metallic black there to shine!!

Hmm.... wonder if it's some type of "Miracle Product" sold on late nite TV?

Kind of like the Wipe-New product only for the entire car?

Just a guess...

Good to hear you can polish it off..


09-22-2014, 05:59 PM
Thanks guys!