View Full Version : What are these little specs all over my paint?

09-21-2014, 09:08 PM
My car was at the dealership having service done for over 2 weeks. I washed it right before I brought it in (the problem was non-urgent). I told the dealership not to wash my car after they finished, and it appeared that they listened. So, I washed the car the night I picked it back up (last Wednesday). After I was done, I noticed a ton of these little "specs" all over my car. Really, they're bigger than specs (spots?). Their appearance is similar to that of compound stuck to paint or the waxy residue that bugs leave behind. They buff off with a towel, but it takes quite a bit of pressure and a number of swipes. Today was the second time I did a full wash. I don't see any improvement after washing again.

I think that claying (nanoskin) is the way to go, but if anyone has any other suggestions or knows what these spots could be, please enlighten me.

The spots are asymmetrical and about 1-2 mm diameter on average. They are on all areas of the car. Here are some pics of them, from the C pillar and rear quarter area.

I provided a couple close-up shots too as best I could. There's a pic with some streaks- that's just from my QD spray that I didn't wipe thoroughly.

The last 2 are under darker conditions- from inside my parking garage.

Pardon the swirls- needs some light polishing.


09-21-2014, 09:17 PM
When I zoom in they look to be a blueish color. Most compound is white. How does it feel when you touch it. If it was compound I would think you could just wash it off. Unless it sat in the sun. Could be overspray? But it also looks more like some liquid that had dried onto the paint.

What's the texture like?


09-21-2014, 09:23 PM
Don't know. Very interesting. Splatters usually exhibit some type of pattern. One pic I zoomed in on looked like paint transfer to my 44 year old eyes.

09-21-2014, 09:37 PM
I can't feel the spots with my finger. They are white- that waxy/opaque color similar to bug wax residue. The blue look I think came from poor camera quality or something.

09-21-2014, 09:39 PM
Bug and tar remover possibly might help


09-21-2014, 09:53 PM
Look like rock chips, then again it could be where the shop may have been careless, bumped your paint or had a thick skull, and wash your vehicle anyways inflicting damage that exposed base color and or primer now begin that you washed it before hand one could not tell if she/he had another bath....best advice before accusing go back to dealer, see if they washed your vehicle if so have them pay/fixed the damage or you can fix it though next time leave the vehicle or at least the wheels dirty
and place signs up everywhere telling them not to wash the car

09-21-2014, 09:56 PM
White, can't feel it, and zoomed 500x for me on the bigger defect looks like CC fracturing

09-21-2014, 11:25 PM
Over spray of some sort would be my guess