View Full Version : Does a Metro VacNBlo Portable fit in the under seat storage of Burgman 400 Scooter?

09-20-2014, 12:54 PM
Does a Metro VacNBlo Portable fit in the under seat storage of Burgman 400 Scooter?

Any ideas?

09-20-2014, 03:38 PM
It is 17 inches long and 7" in diameter

Metro Vac N'Blo® Portable Vacuum doubles as a powerful blower. Blow dry your car or motorcycle or vacuum your vehicle's interior with one Metro Vac N (http://www.autogeek.net/vacnbloporva.html)

2006 Suzuki Burgman 400 Type S (http://www.totalmotorcycle.com/photos/2006models/2006models-Suzuki-Burgman400TypeS.htm)

I suspect it will fit, after you disassemble it

09-22-2014, 10:20 PM
Save the space! When it comes to detailing, (or any trade for that matter) there are a million companies out there doing their best to convince you that you need THEIR PRODUCT to get the job done right. When it comes to certain things, I feel it's all about the detailer's personal preference. I still continue to try different waxes, polishes, drying towels, and that's fine. DON'T waste your money on a "high-speed car dryer", because that's all it is- a waste of money. If you have a electric leaf blower in garage.... perfect. If not, go buy one. It's about around $50, and can be used not only to flush the sitting water out of nooks and crevices, but you can also use it to push the majority of dirt/dust out of the car before vacuuming. Work smart- not hard. I have a Toro electric leaf blower and it works perfectly for the job. I think some of those Metro-Vacs run for around $250. And and air compresser?What a waste of money and space in your detailing trailer/van.

09-22-2014, 10:27 PM
It's a vac

09-22-2014, 11:19 PM
If you do not need the blo component...this one from Shop-vac is decent


I think Art Hernandez has one

09-23-2014, 07:48 AM
It's a vac

It's still ridiculously expensive.. Decent shop vac is $40. You don't need a metro vac n' blo to wash, dry, and wax a car. I'm a business owner. If you like to collect expensive toys like that, ok- but it's not practical for me to buy one of those for each of my trailers.