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09-17-2014, 05:37 PM
Just checking to see if I'm the only one stubborn enough to continue detailing my cars even with a FUBAR back.

In 2008 I was rear ended by a City dump truck.

My back is a mess. MRI's, Physical Therapy, Pain Clinics I've been to all of them.

Nothing like having to stop in the middle of anything where I'm bending over or my back into weird positions and rest for 15 minutes because the pain is too much.

09-17-2014, 06:13 PM
I've got one too. Soft tissue injury from the Air Force about 12 years ago. Army docs misdiagnosed and I got bad treatment. Had to have an Air Force neurosurgeon figure it out and let them know they screwed me up worse.

Used to just be my lower back. Now its from my neck to my toes. Only things that help are the chiropractor, massage, therapist, and valium only when necessary. And I just left my civilian job with the Army to detail full time. Lots of short breaks to stretch and deal with it. More time with my family is worth the pain.

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09-17-2014, 06:28 PM
Got one. Nasty piercing pain shoots down my lower back which crept up after years of interior carpet cleaning. I'm not even 30 yet. Slows me down enough to switch from full time detailing and now I mainly do simple product testing and hobby detailing.

Wes Bremec
09-17-2014, 06:29 PM
I hear you. It's very upsetting to have physical pain put a burden on what your trying to accomplish.

09-17-2014, 07:31 PM
Sitting here now contorted from a half day of polishing. Tried to get my little girl to walk on it but she's not interested. And my chiro is moving and probably won't be set up till late next week. I did notice prednisone I took for an allergic rash had me pain free for about a month. Might have to see if the doc can try that again.

I've looked at some "zero gravity" pillows/cushions for the bed. The position is supposed to relieve back pain. Just don't know if I can do it. The back problem has caused restless leg and I have a hard time sleeping on my back.

Best wishes to find some relief.

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09-17-2014, 08:08 PM
The zero gravity pillows don't work. They are to narrow and slide around. Zero gravity chairs are great.

09-17-2014, 08:16 PM
A good back brace is worth its weight in gold.

09-17-2014, 08:39 PM
I know what you mean, just had a total 360 done last October, and just tore my maniscus in my left knee a month ago and have to have surgery.

09-17-2014, 08:42 PM
Mine's bad also. Hurt it years ago when I was a tech changing a tire. I just work through the pain and know when the jobs done it is worth it. I guess it goes along with the saying "No pain no gain"

09-17-2014, 08:47 PM
Yep, busted mine as well about 2 years ago and had to have surgery for a ruptured disc. Still gives me issues at times. It took me a month to 2 step polish my car, and I'm still bothered even though it has been a week. I used to be a Pilot and am not able to sit long periods anymore so can't do it, really really sucks...

09-17-2014, 10:14 PM
I did notice prednisone I took for an allergic rash had me pain free for about a month. Might have to see if the doc can try that again.
Move with caution with prednisone. It is great stuff but carries lots of baggage with it: depression, weight gain, "prednisone puffy face", bone loss.

Check out zero gravity chairs. When my back starts to spasm on me, just 20 minutes in my zero gravity chair and all is so much better.

09-17-2014, 10:16 PM
A good back brace is worth its weight in gold.
What he said. I second he motion.

09-17-2014, 10:31 PM
Might be easier around here to see who DOESN'T have back pain. :rolleyes:
I have degenerative disc disease, fought with it in my mid (thoracic) spine, from the age of 20, moved up to my neck (cervical) by the time I was 28, then down to the lower (lumbar) spine 10 years later. I fought with it while driving a truck till I was 46 when they told me if I kept up I'd be paralyzed and disabled me.

Fought with the whole package, top to bottom the last 15 years (only 10 disabled). Regular pain management appointments every 30 days (trigger point and nerve blocks), ESI appointments sometimes twice a year (they'll only do an epidural every 9+ months), cervical surgery (my right hand had gone numb, especially the pinky and ring finger which would allow me to stick a needle in in and not feel it) then finally (after at least a dozen lumbar epidurals (have had 8~10 thoracic epidurals) I *FINALLY* got them to work on L5 in April, but they wouldn't touch the original problem(s). Those are S1 & S2 and are friggin INSANE! :(

Pain meds are a way of life, and you actually learn to "manage" them. I don't have an addictive personality, never have.... and have worked hard to manage the pain.

Some people can't do it, (taking the meds that is). My little brother (11 years younger) was (past tense, as in he's no longer alive) one of them. He always, ALWAYS would abuse anything he could get his hands on. You drink a beer with dinner, he'd drink 6 just to say he could. You go 420 and he'd go till he passed out, or RAN out whichever came first. When my Mother started on the very same meds I've been taking the last 12 years with terminal cancer (her not me) he started taking hers. Doctor says take 3 diluadid a day, he'd grind them up and snort (or shoot) them. Use a fentanyl patch for 72 hours for chronic pain, he'd bust them open and eat (or shoot) them. The good Lord has a sense of humor though as he ended up with massive sepsis, all his organs got infected and shut down. It wasn't caused by ANYBODY but him. Sounds cold I know, but it is what it is. Some people don't want help, he was one of them.

I said all that to say this; Many out there tend to think that just because someone takes pain meds that they are some sort of evil person, or weak, or a "user", or even worse.... an "abuser". I'd say that if you know someone like that, talk to them, TALK TO THEM! Talk to the people that think everyone is a junkie, and talk to the people that ARE needing help and in over their head(s). For those that suffer with chronic pain, finding the right pain management doctor is crucial to living a decent, productive life. Look up a physiatrist in your area, not just a run of the mill pain doctor that's pumping out pills. Mine saved my life!

Living with, and managing pain is about how you learn to deal with it, not how it deals with you. It does NOT have to define you. (Yet you'll find others around you trying to define you every darned day if you let them.)

A good back brace is worth its weight in gold.

Mine is from RS Medical, (2 of them) and they run $995! :eek:
They are fantastic! :D
(Now only to get them to request another one as soon as the insurance company will pay for it. ;) Lost the newest one that fit the best at my last CT scan and haven't seen it since April.) :(

09-17-2014, 10:34 PM
Move with caution with prednisone. It is great stuff but carries lots of baggage with it: depression, weight gain, "prednisone puffy face", bone loss.

Check out zero gravity chairs. When my back starts to spasm on me, just 20 minutes in my zero gravity chair and all is so much better.

I have the inversion table and it worked wonders for me after years of low back pain suffering

Peace out, @hip5

09-17-2014, 11:02 PM
Might be easier around here to see who DOESN'T have back pain. :rolleyes:
I have degenerative disc disease, fought with it in my mid (thoracic) spine, from the age of 20, moved up to my neck (cervical) by the time I was 28, then down to the lower (lumbar) spine 10 years later. I fought with it while driving a truck till I was 46 when they told me if I kept up I'd be paralyzed and disabled me.

Fought with the whole package, top to bottom the last 15 years (only 10 disabled). Regular pain management appointments every 30 days (trigger point and nerve blocks), ESI appointments sometimes twice a year (they'll only do an epidural every 9+ months), cervical surgery (my right hand had gone numb, especially the pinky and ring finger which would allow me to stick a needle in in and not feel it) then finally (after at least a dozen lumbar epidurals (have had 8~10 thoracic epidurals) I *FINALLY* got them to work on L5 in April, but they wouldn't touch the original problem(s). Those are S1 & S2 and are friggin INSANE! :(

Pain meds are a way of life, and you actually learn to "manage" them. I don't have an addictive personality, never have.... and have worked hard to manage the pain.

Some people can't do it, (taking the meds that is). My little brother (11 years younger) was (past tense, as in he's no longer alive) one of them. He always, ALWAYS would abuse anything he could get his hands on. You drink a beer with dinner, he'd drink 6 just to say he could. You go 420 and he'd go till he passed out, or RAN out whichever came first. When my Mother started on the very same meds I've been taking the last 12 years with terminal cancer (her not me) he started taking hers. Doctor says take 3 diluadid a day, he'd grind them up and snort (or shoot) them. Use a fentanyl patch for 72 hours for chronic pain, he'd bust them open and eat (or shoot) them. The good Lord has a sense of humor though as he ended up with massive sepsis, all his organs got infected and shut down. It wasn't caused by ANYBODY but him. Sounds cold I know, but it is what it is. Some people don't want help, he was one of them.

I said all that to say this; Many out there tend to think that just because someone takes pain meds that they are some sort of evil person, or weak, or a "user", or even worse.... an "abuser". I'd say that if you know someone like that, talk to them, TALK TO THEM! Talk to the people that think everyone is a junkie, and talk to the people that ARE needing help and in over their head(s). For those that suffer with chronic pain, finding the right pain management doctor is crucial to living a decent, productive life. Look up a physiatrist in your area, not just a run of the mill pain doctor that's pumping out pills. Mine saved my life!

Living with, and managing pain is about how you learn to deal with it, not how it deals with you. It does NOT have to define you. (Yet you'll find others around you trying to define you every darned day if you let them.)

Mine is from RS Medical, (2 of them) and they run $995! :eek:
They are fantastic! :D
(Now only to get them to request another one as soon as the insurance company will pay for it. ;) Lost the newest one that fit the best at my last CT scan and haven't seen it since April.) :(very well said sir:)