View Full Version : Duragloss Process Question

09-03-2014, 10:11 PM
I am thinking of stripping off my current LSP (Meg's Ultimate) and going with DG. Have some questions:

Will the 501/601 mix strip off the current lsp? I am thinking the cleaning ability of 501 will make this no problem. Thoughts?

I am then going to layer 601/105 over this right away. No wait, correct?

After that, I am going to go with 601/111. Again, no wait, correct?

A week later, I'll hit it with AW. I am thinking this combo should get me 6 months, minimum. Plus, it should look pretty good to boot.

Any change to the above process?


09-03-2014, 11:03 PM
501 is a strong chemical cleaner. What I would suggest you do first, is to clean the car with IronX soap gel or paste. That totally kills LSP's on any car I work on, period. Then use 501/601 with a machine (DA or Flex 3401) + a medium cut pad to really get to work cleaning the paint. Yes, you can immediately follow that up with the next step whether it be 111/601 or 105/601. AW is just for the win and you can use it whenever you want. Your paint will look amazing from the cleaning job and will be very, very well protected to boot.