View Full Version : A DG weekend plan of attack; thoughts?

08-30-2014, 11:31 AM
Happy Labor Day weekend everyone :cool:

I’ve got a plan for my car next weekend (based on endless research here) and wanted the DG gurus to chime in if my plan sounds like a good approach.
Car is a 2012 Merc C350 in Iridium Silver metallic with an aging coat of DG 101 and leftover AW (applied weekly after each wash) still on it. Paint is in great shape, but there are a few spots that could use some correction. Since 501 isn’t well known for its corrections abilities, I was thinking of just doing “spot correction” with some UC or M105 since the whole car doesn’t really need it.

-2 bucket wash
-Pinnacle Ultra Poly Clay-
-DG 501/601 mixture applied with a LC white pad (speed 4-5)
-(2 hrs and a few Sam Adams later…)
-DG 105/601 mixture applied by hand
-And I’m on the fence about adding some Colli 845… I was thinking of just sticking with the AW since it’s worked so well for me in the past and I love the smell of it.

Input welcome

08-30-2014, 01:15 PM
Your plan looks fine to me. That's the same combination my DD has been wearing all summer and it's doing well. None of the DG products I've tried overly impress me as far as retention of gloss, but for a DD, they all seem to be awesome at shedding dirt when driven or parked in the rain, so they've ascended to the top of my list for daily use vehicles. Plus, a quick app of AW gets the gloss back.
Come late October, I'll repeat the process and add a topper of Colli 845 or 476. The 501/601, 105/601, 476 combo got me from October thru May on a parked outside DD, thru the worst winter we've had in many years.


08-30-2014, 01:23 PM
Thanks for the input. If yours is holing up under those conditions, I should be golden since mine sits in a garage @ home and a covered parking garage 5 days/week. I'll look at reapplying in the spring.

Your plan looks fine to me. That's the same combination my DD has been wearing all summer and it's doing fine.
Come late October, I'll repeat the process and add a topper of Colli 845 or 476. The 501/601, 105/601, 476 combo got me from October thru May on a parked outside DD, thru the worst winter we've had in many years.


08-30-2014, 04:50 PM
When applying DG 501 by machine how many sections passes should I be doing? Can I also apply to a larger section at a time as opposed to compounding/polishing?

Klasse Act
08-30-2014, 04:57 PM
When applying DG 501 by machine how many sections passes should I be doing? Can I also apply to a larger section at a time as opposed to compounding/polishing?

Because it goes on so thin your basically going to be applying it and removing it at the same time, so when it disappears just move along to another section. I would still work a normal sized section, your already used to that and this is especially true with something like #501 since its on and off so quickly.

Klasse Act
08-30-2014, 05:01 PM
Nick, I think you've got the process dialed in perfectly, don't worry about adding #845, it will shimmer with the addition of #111/601 but I would like to suggest doing 2 coats, one after another of the #111/601 combo, that's what's so great about #601, it lets you do such things. I would also like to suggest applying the #501/601 combo to all the glass too as you'll probably have some left over in the little bottle anyways, don't let it go to waste:props: You can apply extra #111/601 to the wheels and coat them up as well, use all that stuff up and don't worry about the trim either, DG doesn't stain anything.

Subscribed for pics when your done!

08-30-2014, 05:11 PM
Because it goes on so thin your basically going to be applying it and removing it at the same time, so when it disappears just move along to another section. I would still work a normal sized section, your already used to that and this is especially true with something like #501 since its on and off so quickly.


08-30-2014, 05:56 PM
I have always topped DG with Collinite in the past. This autumn, I am going to forgo the Collinite. In speaking with Bill @ Duragloss, he thinks wax toppers over DG will hurt protection/durability.