View Full Version : Help with wheels !!

08-28-2014, 02:57 PM
I have a 96 chevy pickup with the original wheels which I assume are aluminum with a clear coat on them. or at least what used to be a clear coat. Need some suggestions on cleaning them. I have never used anything other than the same soap that I was the truck with. I assume the white coating/film on the them is oxidation on the aluminum due to not being protected any longer. The wheel has been washed and tried and nothing on the wheel will come off when wiping with a clean towel. Couple of questions and any suggestions would be welcomed.

1. I see many type of spray on wheel cleaners that look like they are specific for the the type of metal. I assume anything labeled for aluminum would be safe? Any names that you have had good luck with in the past?

2. Should I use some type of metal polish that is labeled for aluminum instead of a spray on cleaner?

3. Assuming I can get them clean what type of product should i use on the clean wheel to help protect it? Use the same was I use on the paint or some type of sealant? Any names?

I assume that I should have been using some type of protectant from day 1 and not just washing them with soap? This probably goes for the plastic/vinyl trim on the vehicle also?

08-28-2014, 04:24 PM
I would get some Iron X and decontaminate them, then wash with your normal soap. If the clear coat is still intact, I would use whatever compound you use on your paint and then seal with whatever you use on the paint.

08-28-2014, 04:53 PM
If the clear coat is not intact then the only thing is to have them painted?