View Full Version : Show 'N Shine: 2006 Honda Civic - CQuartz Finest (College Prep Package)

08-25-2014, 05:46 PM
This will be a short Show 'N Shine. I was debating about putting all the processes and tools, but I think I will use this S&S as a PSA to all my fellow detailers. I've been guilty many times of being "Elitist" in my marketing of the more extensive paint correction and coatings, however we have an incredible untapped market in our high school seniors and College bound students. I've seen several thread on the forums discussing marketing and how to grow a business. How many of you make a point to market to parents who just bought a brand new car (or well used one) for their high school juniors/seniors, or College bound kids!?!

This unassuming car came to my shop following a quaint conversation I had with the dad who was asking about "How to protect his investment". This 8 year old Honda Civic is not the most expensive car on the road, but to this student (now College bound), it is HIS car! It is obvious that he has no plans to keep this car forever, but for the time being he does want to take good care of it knowing that one day he will sell it....."an ounce of prevention worth a pound of cure".

So how do we tap that market??? The marketing angle is a simple one..... We all know that average College students keep their cars "exposed" to the elements 24/7, and do very little in terms of maintenance. You should not shoot to get a quick buck with a wash/wax. You should treat them and their investment as you would a $250,000 Lambo. Both are investments!!! As such you should discuss the logistics of the exposure v. the benefits of coatings. You should also describe the maintenance requirements (of a traditionally prepped car). Lastly and more importantly you have to discuss the re-sale value. We all know that people shop with their eyes first and a properly maintained vehicle will bring in much more on trade ins and private sales ( I read somewhere something like up to 21% more)

It will be a lot harder to see a major return on your initial investment, on a car worth $10k, but any return is worth the investment in my book. We all know the benefits of coatings but are soooo reluctant to discuss a $1000 paint correction/coating detail with a client driving a $10k car.... WHY? The main reason is because we don't see them in the "Disposable Income" category. How many disposal income clients do you have???? It goes without saying that our client based is filled with your "average Joe", and this will be the guy that will be more likely to spend IF you can provide him "just cause", so do your marketing bit without prejudice!!. It is also a lot easier to convince a guy with a car "exposed" 24/7, than the "Lambo guy" who drives his "investment" 52 Saturdays out of a year (unless the guy is crazy loaded and it doesn't bother him to drop major $$

The prep process was very typical: Wash, IronX, Clay, Wash, Compound (Rupes 21, orange LC flat pad + PF2500), Erasor x2, Coated with CQuartz Finest. Simple enough!!

Ok... I'm done, so on to the pictures!


https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xaf1/v/t1.0-9/10347802_755768614485515_7522816508825015876_n.jpg ?oh=f9336a1da2d958a29c428c86f9599c6a&oe=5470AD0B&__gda__=1415724730_dbdfa5f9057f27e839682f1e7915784 d

Some damage were beyond cosmetic improvements and will require a repaint.

https://scontent-a-dfw.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/10646865_755768717818838_5374482525091423913_n.jpg ?oh=11bbf5f1ef459d90355ca65268f76ca6&oe=547246C1

Fast at work!!


https://scontent-a-dfw.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10647025_755768601152183_475371184092062023_n.jpg? oh=a2ad41e2b3b91c9669581abefdba0ecc&oe=5473680F


https://scontent-b-dfw.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/10609666_755768844485492_5976447682321749144_n.jpg ?oh=29cc7844838cfeb7c2d8a6775a2923db&oe=5473A9E6

https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xaf1/v/t1.0-9/10599416_755768761152167_4269710134462163919_n.jpg ?oh=44a6654ed7bd4462764d48986bd13437&oe=5464C702&__gda__=1416150963_e49ed6998d3b0c2be2ce0dec7431f75 6



https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10628081_755768891152154_497879401505370525_n.jpg? oh=3476cdd023c406a70ef22b884b6dc089&oe=546A5FFC&__gda__=1415454133_e0a537d70e04f126e4f9104b78b32fa 3


Although very reluctant, the owner was THRILLED to say the least. His exact word was "that is the best looking 2006 Honda on the road!!"

I hope you enjoyed!!!!

08-25-2014, 06:42 PM
Excellent job. I just took my car to college and I made sure everything on it was coated considering I can't wash it like at home. Luckily I can park in a garage so it really isn't exposed, but extremely narrow spaces + kids who don't care about their cars = scary.

08-25-2014, 06:52 PM
Fantastic work my friend:)

08-25-2014, 08:25 PM
The gloss on that Civic is unreal!

08-25-2014, 08:34 PM
Excellent job. I just took my car to college and I made sure everything on it was coated considering I can't wash it like at home. Luckily I can park in a garage so it really isn't exposed, but extremely narrow spaces + kids who don't care about their cars = scary.

Good luck my friend. If I were you I would invest in
http://ep.yimg.com/ca/I/autogeek_2270_147126930When parking becomes a tight squeeze, trust The Park Smart Stick-On Door Guard to protect doors! park smart door protector, parksmart car door guard, (http://www.autogeek.net/parsmarmagdo.html)

The gloss on that Civic is unreal!

I am glad you approve!!She was definitely IMPROVED!!

Fantastic work my friend:)

Thanks bud!

08-25-2014, 10:35 PM
I enjoy sitting by and reading your threads. They always add something to my business man arsenal, which needs tons of improvement...

I plentiful agree with your tips, and I'll be sure to follow on the long run.

About the work, no doubt it's the best looking Civic 2006 on the road, looks gorgeous.

Thanks for this thread,

Kind Regards.

08-25-2014, 10:42 PM
I enjoy sitting by and reading your threads. They always add something to my business man arsenal, which needs tons of improvement...

I plentiful agree with your tips, and I'll be sure to follow on the long run.

About the work, no doubt it's the best looking Civic 2006 on the road, looks gorgeous.

Thanks for this thread,

Kind Regards.

Thanks Rafael! I'm looking forward to your next Show and Shine myself.....Get to work!! HaHa!

08-26-2014, 01:48 AM
Outstanding work as always Claude. I enjoy reading through your write ups.

Keep it up. Nice photography BTW.

08-26-2014, 11:09 AM
Outstanding work as always Claude. I enjoy reading through your write ups.

Keep it up. Nice photography BTW.

Thanks Mike! I try to mix it up a little :)

I've been out of putting big threads together because I was barely "head above water" busy as of late but now that I have a little more time, I will be flooding the board LOL!

08-27-2014, 12:42 PM
Awesome work... i love the way that color looks when its in good shape.

08-28-2014, 01:51 PM
Stellar job as always Claude!

08-28-2014, 04:18 PM
Awesome work... i love the way that color looks when its in good shape.

Thanks Kevin! The color does look pretty amazing.... for a Honda

Stellar job as always Claude!

Thanks Caleb! When are we going to have the privilege of seeing one of your Show 'N Shine??

08-28-2014, 04:27 PM
Soon :). I've been uploading pictures to flickr all afternoon.

08-30-2014, 12:12 AM
Wow nice job on that Civic! I started college last week and I will say it's quite scary parking near people who really couldn't care less about their car. On top of that having to park in the dirt overflow lots at times is terrible! But I can truly attest to your statement about marketing to college students, so many kids at college and my old high school would talk about how they didn't wash their car because it didn't look any better even after the wash. So I think if detailers can appeal to that market, people would take more pride and parents would probably see it as a "cheap" way to make a used car feel new.