View Full Version : Need some Help

08-07-2007, 03:05 AM
I am new and eager to learn about the new and different products that I can use on my truck. Up to now I've been using store products, but I know that is not enough to up keep the paint on my truck.
I have a 1995 Chevy Sport Limited Edition Truck. My problem is about a year now my truck has been sitting outside of my garage in the hot Hawaiian sun and I see a big change in the paints condition. About 2 months ago rail dust had gotten on my truck then a big rain came and before I noticed, I saw small signs of rust, I tried very hard to take it off, but only to find light scratches on the paint's surface, when I try to wipe it off. I need to know what kind of products I can use for this problem?

Aloha and Thank you for your help.

08-07-2007, 09:09 AM
To remove the rail dust, get a good clay bar. Better advice is to put together a complete plan for getting your truck in the condition you want and then keep it that way.

To that end, you'll need:
Washing supplies
2 buckets
A good wash mitt (Like the ShMitt or a good lambs wool)
A good shampoo (Meg's gold class is pretty cheap and is suppose to be gentle - just ordered some DG 901 but haven't tried it yet)
A good drying towel like the Guzzler

Get some clay and clay lubricant to remove the rail dust. I've used the Pinnacle Poly Clay and the Meg's clay - no complaints about either.

Depending on the condition of the paint and how close to "perfect" you want to get it, considering getting a PC or a UDM and some good polishes.

A nice sealant or wax to protect all the work you've done. Everyone has their favorites in this category

08-07-2007, 10:20 AM
Some isoproply alcohol 1:1, use it after you wash and clay, it will help remove any road film.