View Full Version : Heavy Rain and my car cover...

KJW Detailing
08-06-2007, 11:29 AM
Well last night was the first night since i got my car cover in which it rained...it looked as if water was just sheeting right off of it...

This morning i went to look underneth the cover and i guess the cover can handle rain but not a soaking rain that had to have lasted most of the night...

I'm kinda bummed out but i guess i cant expect the car to stay perfectly dry with a torrential downpoor haha...

...i hope that that everything is ok with my cover and that after so much rain this is what happens...of course now i am asking myself what i should do since the car is wet and the cover is wet...do i take it off the car and allow it to dry?

what do i do now?


08-06-2007, 11:36 AM
Same with my car cover, it can bead off some water, but it doesnt stand a chance in the rain. You can add extra rain protection by spraying the cover with 303 fabric protectant, it beads like crazy i hear. I would take it off the car and air dry it.

KJW Detailing
08-06-2007, 11:44 AM
my car cover is the weathershield from covercraft...im guessing that it can only handle so much rain...

08-06-2007, 11:50 AM
my car cover is the weathershield from covercraft...im guessing that it can only handle so much rain...

They try to make car covers as breathable as possible, im not sure why they dont make the shell of car covers gortex(or something similar) because its breathable and waterproof.

KJW Detailing
08-06-2007, 12:03 PM
haha true that...my snowboarding gear is gor-tex...amazing...i tested it oneday and sat outside in a heavy rain storm and i stayed dry...it was fun...

so does anyone think that a cover for a civic is small enough to be washed in a regular washer? covercraft says that they can be washed in a commerical of regular washer if small enough...so what do you think?


08-06-2007, 02:16 PM
haha true that...my snowboarding gear is gor-tex...amazing...i tested it oneday and sat outside in a heavy rain storm and i stayed dry...it was fun...

so does anyone think that a cover for a civic is small enough to be washed in a regular washer? covercraft says that they can be washed in a commerical of regular washer if small enough...so what do you think?

I tried to wash my car cover in the washer and it ripped, the center agitator is what ripped it, i think it would be ok if you have a washing machine with out one. speaking of size mine is a medium car size, it fits ok on my 03 BMW 325ci. It bearly fit in the washing machine, unless you have a big washing machine with no agitator then the only real option is to take it to a laundry mat, or hand wash it, which is impractical.

08-06-2007, 05:07 PM
with light rains and humidity you should not see any water transfer. Yes so heavy rain can soak cover and thus car over time. I lay mine out on the lawn for a hour while detailing the car, and its dry and good as new.

08-06-2007, 05:23 PM
I lay mine out on the lawn for a hour while detailing the car, and its dry and good as new.

:iagree: It takes longer than an hour for me though.

KJW Detailing
08-07-2007, 07:38 PM
why is it that with light rain and humidity you dont see any water transfer...i mean what about light but steady rain and no relative humidity...or what about snow (i'll get some of that this winter)...

i completly understand about heavy rain...it can only repel so much water...