View Full Version : New Black Truck - I Need Some Advice

08-15-2014, 01:06 PM
I used to do very basic details on my white CTS about 10 years ago. I did a basic wash, clay, Klasse AIO, followed by Klasse sealant. I had a DA at the time but I don't any more. Well, now I have a black Silverado I purchased a few weeks ago and it's a whole new ball game than the history of white vehicles I've had.

I live where it's very hot and the dirt blows because of our high winds. Dust accumulates in a matter of minutes, which is why I used to use Klasse - it didn't attract dust. I found this forum by searching for car care info to try and brush up on my knowledge and wow, there's a lot of new stuff.

I bought ONR and have used it already. Amazing stuff. I didn't think it would work with our very hard water, but it performed like a champ.

I was considering getting Klasse again, but I don't have a DA and don't plan on getting one. However, I'm really concerned about anything else because my experience in the past was that any other product I used gathered dust like a magnet. Even those California dusters left streaks that would be dust trails in a few hours.

I figured I'd ask for advice since the technology seems to have moved along a great deal since I last detailed my car. Any help is appreciated - thanks!

08-15-2014, 01:57 PM
Congrats on finding AG, you are already ahead of the curve. I would seriously consider Looking into a coating. I know I may be back handed for saying it, but for what you have and the conditions you described, putting another layer on the vehicle would go far in mitigating damage due to flying dust, and they also do not attract dust. Then you can maintain the vehicle easier with the coating. Find a reputable installer in your area for any of the coatings and see what they would charge. Is the vehicle new?


08-15-2014, 02:00 PM
Yep, she's brand new!

08-15-2014, 02:02 PM
Even better, a coating at this point would be cheaper than having to do full correction. I would seriously consider it. I put a coating on my daily drive and although I can wash it and keep it maintained, obviously times happen where it goes longer than I wished, but the coating makes it so easy to clean up.


08-15-2014, 02:42 PM
Best advice I can give...sell black truck and buy white or silver! Lol!
I own a black truck! Definitely go with a coating! I have CQUK on mine and use it almost exclusively on clients vehicles.

08-15-2014, 05:14 PM
Thanks - it looks like the CarPro Quartz is something that could be applied at home? I live in a very rural area and there isn't really anyone to go to. The "detail shops" here are just guys that will install tons of swirls for me.

08-15-2014, 05:41 PM
So where do you live?