View Full Version : Opti Seal Question

08-14-2014, 07:26 AM
I havent used OOS in a LONG time, so I am deferring to all of you. I have a friend who is looking to use PB Black Hole followed by Opti Seal. He asked if OOS would have an issue going over a "glaze" like this. Honestly, I am not sure. Any thoughts on this at all?


Setec Astronomy
08-14-2014, 07:48 AM
I haven't done it, but I think it will be fine. They say you can put OS over a carnauba wax, so it should be fine over a synthetic/acrylic glaze or whatever it is exactly.

08-14-2014, 09:07 AM
I havent used OOS in a LONG time, so I am deferring to all of you. I have a friend who is looking to use PB Black Hole followed by Opti Seal. He asked if OOS would have an issue going over a "glaze" like this. Honestly, I am not sure. Any thoughts on this at all?


Opti seal might take the glaze off. Prior Doc G said opti seal would eat through a wax I believe. So same might apply for a glaze.

Setec Astronomy
08-14-2014, 09:39 AM
Opti seal might take the glaze off. Prior Doc G said opti seal would eat through a wax I believe. So same might apply for a glaze.

That's not right at all, this has been discussed before, Dr. G said the Opti-Seal would displace the wax molecules and wind up underneath it with the wax on top. Whether you buy that or not is another story, but it's misrepresenting what Optimum has said to suggest it "would eat through a wax" which implies a negative connotation.

EDIT: Here is the actual quote from Dr. G on the Optimum forum: "If there is any wax on the surface, Opti-Seal will dissolve it and the polymers will go to the surface and the wax will migrate to the top. This is due to the difference in the surface tension of wax and sealant."

08-14-2014, 10:16 AM
That's not right at all, this has been discussed before, Dr. G said the Opti-Seal would displace the wax molecules and wind up underneath it with the wax on top. Whether you buy that or not is another story, but it's misrepresenting what Optimum has said to suggest it "would eat through a wax" which implies a negative connotation.

EDIT: Here is the actual quote from Dr. G on the Optimum forum: "If there is any wax on the surface, Opti-Seal will dissolve it and the polymers will go to the surface and the wax will migrate to the top. This is due to the difference in the surface tension of wax and sealant."

Thanks for the clarification! Ill go back and reread some posts, I was left with alternate impressions of how opti seal acted after reading so much!

Side though, Funny, IMO we all beat chemical Guys up for their crazy claims, I'm not scientist, but migrating molecules, and all that sounds a little much...

08-14-2014, 12:06 PM
I have put opti seal on cars before and ended up with white haze in spots like as noted it's like it takes the other stuff and brings it up It buffs right off but still strange with no difference in longevity that I have seen

Setec Astronomy
08-14-2014, 12:20 PM
Thanks for the clarification! Ill go back and reread some posts, I was left with alternate impressions of how opti seal acted after reading so much!

Side though, Funny, IMO we all beat chemical Guys up for their crazy claims, I'm not scientist, but migrating molecules, and all that sounds a little much...

Here's the whole thing, if that helps:

Wise, on Jun 27 2009, 04:59 PM, said:http://optimumforums.org/public/style_images/master/snapback.png (http://optimumforums.org/index.php?app=forums&module=forums&section=findpost&pid=6843)

Hi, can anyone tell me if optiseal is a pure sealant,or a hybrid.Discussions on another forum describe it as a hybrid,because it contains a solvent base,making drying time faster,and allowing it to etch into an underlying wax layer,which enables it to be used over Carnauba?The talk is that so called pure sealants,do not have a solvent base,so they can not be used over a wax,as oil and water do not mix?
Thank you for bringing this question to the forum. I can not speak about other brands and I limit my reply to Optimum line and specifically Opti-Seal. I am not sure where water is entering into this discussion since there is no water in Opti-Seal.

Opti-Seal is a highly concentrated formula containing sealant polymers dissolved in a solvent. Once it is applied to any surface, it will bond to it and cross-links fully within 12 hours. The sealant polymers react with moisture which is why you can not have any water in this product.

If there is any wax on the surface, Opti-Seal will dissolve it and the polymers will go to the surface and the wax will migrate to the top. This is due to the difference in the surface tension of wax and sealant. I hope this helps answer your question. Thanks again.

David {Dr. G}