View Full Version : ONR wash left over

08-12-2014, 01:36 PM
I have about 2 gallons of ONR wash left over in a bucket with a gamma lid on it. I used the GDWM so I only too MF towels out but never put any contaminated towels in when I washed my truck.

I was pulled away and didn't finish my Rinseless wash Sunday night so I just put the lid on the bucket and save the ONR wash.

Question is how long will this stay usable this way? Can I just pop the top off, mix it with my hand and continue where I left off after a few days of it sitting? I assume the answer is yes but want to check...

08-12-2014, 01:46 PM
That mix will be fine for a long while, rock and roll!

08-12-2014, 01:49 PM
From my experience, it will be as effective as freshly mixed with the exception of it loosing its Blue color. Don't know why it does that for me but it does loose the color. Maybe the heat causes this problem? Oh well.....still works like it should.

Klasse Act
08-12-2014, 01:51 PM
I always re-use my left over rinseless wash solution and I too use lids to cover up the bucket. Here's what I do though:

-take a mf towel or a sock and filter the solution into another container that has a wide mouth, a cleaned out cat litter jug.

-then I pour it back into the bucket BUT only after wiping out the bottom as the dirt sediment seems to get down there.

-depending on how much is left over, I usually make more than I need so I have enough for pre-wash duties, always dunk the spray bottle in there to fill it up for the next wash and when needed during the rinseless wash.

This just makes SENSE and CENTS!

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08-12-2014, 01:58 PM
Cool! I was hoping y'all would say this.


Klasse Act
08-13-2014, 07:40 AM
I will say this though, when I take the lid off after a couple days to use it, WHOA!, the initial smell is strong! Luckily I only go a couple days between washes! Also, my pre-wash usually stinks too when I use it too, oh well, the wash job itself doesn't stink, LOL!

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