View Full Version : Express interior detail? How to??

08-09-2014, 07:27 PM
Hello guys.
I'm starting a mobile car wash business. I'll be offering express car wash. For the exterior I will be using onr. Now I need to research and learn the most efficient way to clean the interiors. Can you point me to the right direction?

I already ordered my Kleenjet 300cs steamer.
Is the steamer the only thing I will need even if the car is dirty?

Any other tools necessary? Vacumm? Other products (chemicals)?

Thank you very much!


VP Mark
08-09-2014, 08:00 PM
Depends on what you want to include and the price.

For an express interior I would just vacuum, wipe down hard surfaces with some like megs quik interior detailer, and do windows.
For a standard interior I would vacuum, steam, do windows, and dress.

Pricing on these services really depends on your market and target clientele. With a trashed minivan even an express can take 1-2 hours. Make sure to state prices as starting at prices and don't be afraid to turn down jobs when people aren't willing to pay for the service their vehicles condition requires.

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08-09-2014, 08:22 PM
Hey Mark. Quick question:
Wouldn't the steamer be helpful even for basic/express interior, by speeding up the process?

VP Mark
08-09-2014, 11:27 PM
Yes and no. Steamers take time to heat up and electricity to run. While steaming is extremely fast and effective it can be somewhat slow on only mildly dirty interiors where a quick 'dust off' is all that is needed/being paid for.

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