View Full Version : Help me choose a wheel and tire cleaner.

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08-09-2014, 04:20 PM
I have used alot of wheel and tire cleaners in the past. Mothers,meguiars,simple green,d143 diluted, etc. I can never fine anything that actually strips all the dirt off without having to dilute it so much or the product has huge amounts of acid in it. Can anybody here recommend something that can be used on almost all wheels and tires and is either dilutable or little needs to be used, and will no break the bank.

08-09-2014, 04:48 PM
OPC is my suggestion.

08-09-2014, 04:49 PM
I love the Sönax Wheel Cleaner Plus for the wheels and the Sönax Multistar for the tires and wheels wells

Setec Astronomy
08-09-2014, 04:50 PM
I can never fine anything that actually strips all the dirt off without having to dilute it so much or the product has huge amounts of acid in it.

Bill, the only wheel cleaners that "actually strip all the dirt off" are hydrofluoric acid or caustic cleaners. With "normal" wheel cleaners you have to help them by agitating, brushing, etc.

08-09-2014, 04:55 PM
OPC. too versatile to ignore, plus it's affordable because it's a concentrate. can be used for so many tasks and at full strength or 1:1, it's a pretty damn potent alkaline cleaner. even cut with three to five parts water it's very effective for cleaning real grime.

and it's safe for carbon brake rotors.

imo no need for a dedicated wheel cleaner nowadays tho i know there are some good ones out there.

i bought Sonax at a while back in bulk and barely use it.

08-09-2014, 05:42 PM
brown royal

08-09-2014, 05:44 PM
Griots wheel cleaner!

08-09-2014, 06:06 PM
I try to wax or seal every inch of the car. So my question is are theses specific cleaners really necessary.

I know people love buying different products, I'm no different. But if things are protected and you stay on top of it, I don't see these specific cleaners necessary

When I wash, I either use separate bucket of megs soap on wheels or I'll just use whatever rinseless wash im using on the car. I wipe the wheels down after im done with the car. No scratches in the wheels yet

08-09-2014, 06:08 PM
I think Im going to have to go with brown royal, it can be cut to different dilution ratios and is very strong. Sonax , while it does work is much too expensive for me, If needed I will stick with an 8 dollar bottle of dub wheel cleaner which technically does the same thing as Sonax.

08-09-2014, 06:13 PM
It depends on how long it has been between cleanings. I use three buckets, one of which is solely dedicated to wheels. I hit the wheels with OPC while I am getting everything else together. Once I make it around to the wheels with the Wheel Woolies, everything comes off pretty easy. Could I get by without OPC? Probably so. Does it make cleaning the wheels easier? That is an affirmative.

08-09-2014, 06:35 PM
What's opc

08-09-2014, 06:46 PM
Optimum Power Clean. I have found that it will handle also anything at 1:3. While the gallon is $39.00, I believe, when you can make 4 gallons if cleaner with 1 gallon of OPC, it is pretty cheap.

08-09-2014, 07:12 PM
The best wheel & tire cleaner is: You.

Most of the wheel cleaners will get the job done when used correctly with some tools from AG on well maintained wheels. I'm assuming since your on this forum, your wheels are pretty well maintained.

There is no spray and rinse miracle product that is safe for routine use. They will all require agitation and a bit of time at the wheel to get the wheel perfectly clean.

If the wheels are not well maintained, that is a different story.

If your brakes are throwing off a ton of dust - switch to ceramic pads. If you haven't already done so - OptiCoat your wheels. These two things will do far more to make wheel cleaning easier than any wheel cleaner.

Brown Royal is just another chemical that is higher on the pH scale (basic). I prolly wouldn't be using it routinely on my wheels.

08-09-2014, 11:00 PM
I have used alot of wheel and tire cleaners in the past. Mothers,meguiars,simple green,d143 diluted, etc. I can never fine anything that actually strips all the dirt off without having to dilute it so much or the product has huge amounts of acid in it. Can anybody here recommend something that can be used on almost all wheels and tires and is either dilutable or little needs to be used, and will no break the bank.

Ever tried P21S Gel Wheel Cleaner? I hear great things about it and it's decently effective if you buy the Liter.

08-09-2014, 11:10 PM
The best wheel & tire cleaner is: You.

Most of the wheel cleaners will get the job done when used correctly with some tools from AG on well maintained wheels. I'm assuming since your on this forum, your wheels are pretty well maintained.

There is no spray and rinse miracle product that is safe for routine use. They will all require agitation and a bit of time at the wheel to get the wheel perfectly clean.

If the wheels are not well maintained, that is a different story.

If your brakes are throwing off a ton of dust - switch to ceramic pads. If you haven't already done so - OptiCoat your wheels. These two things will do far more to make wheel cleaning easier than any wheel cleaner.

Brown Royal is just another chemical that is higher on the pH scale (basic). I prolly wouldn't be using it routinely on my wheels.

I will have to disagree with you. I have never used Wheel Brightner but after seeing this video I will very likelly order some with my next purchase.

First product I see that works by itself, not scrubbing needed.


If others can do just as good a job, please let me know!