View Full Version : Mother's drying towel vs. Microfiber Madness Dry Me Crazy

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08-08-2014, 12:48 PM
not even close, MFM DMC.

the Mother's towel has been my go-to for a while now, probably a few years. i stumbled onto MFM while trying to find a robust microfiber wash mitt that wasn't a piece of crap. unfortunately, while there were some dealers in the UK that were sourcing them from Germany, shipping was prohibitive. eventually the MFM stuff showed up stateside so i picked up a couple Incredimitts and have been in love ever since.

so, when it came time to redo my towel inventory because i was sick and tired of inferior linting towels on every front, i ended up getting a lot of MFM towels. they are soooo perfect. literally, perfect. and they better be for the price! i didn't even think about drying towels because i thought i was ok with my Mother's towel. but after reading some reviews and watching a vid of the DMC being used, i said i have to try it and WOW! it's absolutely amazing!!

i got it yesterday so of course i had to wash it first to get rid of anything that might be on it from production/storage/handling whatever. they come in a sweet zip lock-type bag like all over MFM items but still - it needs to be washed first no matter what. it's interesting because the towel is very soft and high pile. it doesn't feel like it would be absorbent at all - it feels more like a high GSM rinseless/waterless wash sort of towel. but feel can be WAY deceiving!!!!

well, the towel was damp and hang drying after being washed last night. when i went to use it after washing my wife's car, it still worked FLAWLESSLY. all you have to do is lay the towel on the area and it zaps all of the water up. i got the entire car done and still didn't feel like it was less effective because of being full. it didn't feel like it had to be wrung in the slightest! i can't believe it.

08-08-2014, 01:32 PM
All Microfiber Madness towels are amazing. The Mothers towel is nothing to write home about.

08-08-2014, 03:22 PM
All Microfiber Madness towels are amazing. The Mothers towel is nothing to write home about.

i agree. i have four types now - cloud buster, yellow fellow 2.0, crazy pile and this DMC.

they are just on another level.

08-09-2014, 04:33 PM
Will the Geek be carrying them?

Or do I have to go to @*% *^! to get them.

08-09-2014, 04:42 PM
Will the Geek be carrying them?

Or do I have to go to @*% *^! to get them.

i'm just glad they are finally available in the states! i look at stuff like this as a fractional life improvement because it makes things so much easier!!!

08-09-2014, 07:10 PM
incredimitt and incredisponge are amazing as well.

might be getting a DMC soon if Corey ever puts them on daily special ;) *hint * *hint*

08-09-2014, 07:13 PM
I have the mothers and it works good to get the bulk of the water then I follow up with a MFT WW. The mothers reminds me of a dish mat...I'll have to try the DMC

08-10-2014, 01:51 PM
i used it again. this thing is ridiculous. it works so well it's weird, haha.

08-10-2014, 08:40 PM
I have one identical to the dry me crazy towel but it's from Autoality and much cheaper. That thing soaks up water like no other and gets heavy quick!

08-10-2014, 09:57 PM
can't remember the last time i have used a drying towel. with the flooding technique, leaf blower, and mf towel (w/ a qd or spray wax) to pick up and droplets left behind works for me...

08-10-2014, 11:18 PM
can't remember the last time i have used a drying towel. with the flooding technique, leaf blower, and mf towel (w/ a qd or spray wax) to pick up and droplets left behind works for me...

i hear you, but i find this to be easier. i still use my blower for wheels/tires/wells but this towel eliminates the need for the rest. it's freakish. i streamed ("flooding technique") prior to the first time using this towel because of what i'm used to doing, like you, but the second time, didn't bother. no need to do anything but lay the towel against the panel and everthing is gone. if it's a flat surface, you can lay it and drag by grabbing the edges.


I have one identical to the dry me crazy towel but it's from Autoality and much cheaper. That thing soaks up water like no other and gets heavy quick!

the yellow Duragloss piece?

08-11-2014, 04:48 AM
can't remember the last time i have used a drying towel. with the flooding technique, leaf blower, and mf towel (w/ a qd or spray wax) to pick up and droplets left behind works for me...

Ditto, I use the guzzler when finishing up...

08-11-2014, 11:34 AM
flooding and using the blower then chasing with the towel to finish up take multiple trip around the car, each taking various amounts of time.

with this towel, you make one trip. as far as overall time, i didn't compare but it definitely seemed a lot easier and efficient.

08-11-2014, 12:15 PM
with this towel, you make one trip.

Which DMC is it, Junior or the large one?

Am wondering what size of a car DMC Junior dries off?

08-11-2014, 12:37 PM
Which DMC is it, Junior or the large one?

Am wondering what size of a car DMC Junior dries off?

it's the large one, but that's a good question.

here are the variables with the two times i've used it so far on my cars -

first: vehicle was a coated Q5, streamed/flooded for final rinse. going into the drying part, the towel was hang drying and pretty damp from prior night initial wash; towel weight went up during drying but was still effective and didn't leave visible residue. barely anything wrung out when i tried. car was being dried outside in partial sun.

second: vehicle was a coated C 63, regular spray off for rinse, towel was barely damp prior to use, towel felt like it got less saturated than with the Q5. drying took place inside under heavy fluorescent light and minimal water residue was apparent anywhere after initial passes.

i should have timed the drying but i was trying different techniques. at first i was just laying the towel and sort of blotting, but it was working so well and not leaving anything behind that i decided i probably just needed to place it and lightly drag, which is what i ended up doing on the flats.

i am not doubting that this sort of towel, in its basic form, is probably available elsewhere for cheaper but after reading MFM owner Thomas's explanation about this product line and what makes them different...and how they do things post-production to improve performance, i bought into it and thus, is why i went with this one. plus, the other towels and items i have from them are so stellar...PLUS Cee Dog's customer service is, like, ridiculously tight, so i had nothing to lose.