View Full Version : Dealership (Zurich)

08-06-2014, 10:11 AM
So, information. I have a friend of mine who owns the X5 and provides me with the shop. We have a mutual friend and his business partner whom just bought a brand new Honda Odyssey van in black. They could not get down on the price to exactly what he wanted to pay so they threw in a detail with a Scotch Guard treatment inside.
My buddy called and told me they were taking the vehicle to the dealer and my first response was, "You are --itting me!"
He said that while they were there, he found out a bit more about the so called detail. The rep was there and in rep I mean the insurance rep. Yes, this is an insurance company that is backing this service. The cost is 250 and they warranty the vehicle for 7 years. This gets better. They will replace the carpet if the stains are not able to be removed.

I asked my friend if he saw the fine print. He had not, but I told him that I would love to see it and see what the owners requirements are to keep this warranty and what stipulations there are on this carpet replacement.

He asked the rep what he was going to put on the exterior that he could warranty for 7 years and he said it is a spray sealant. As we all know from being on AG that a spray sealant depending on the brand "Can" get you up to 6 months, but 7 years?

I told my friend that I guarantee there is a clause that states that he must bring the vehicle in for maintenance, at which time more spray sealant will be sprayed on the vehicle.

The thing is, the dealers and this Zurich insurance are playing the odds, and winning, on the fact that the majority of people are not going to uphold their end of the deal.

It just crawled me because the owner told my friend that he knows that he will have to bring it to me to actually do it right, but that his wife would have went ape-crap if he did not take it to the dealer.