View Full Version : Rusty scratch in black paint

08-04-2014, 11:03 PM
I have a friend who has a black 2004 Acura TL-S with a nasty scratch on the driver's door that has started to rust. I was wondering what method should be used to remove the rust before filling and applying touch-up paint. I thought after a thorough cleaning to apply Iron-X or a rust inhibitor to remove the rust then start retouching process. Thanks.
Feed back please

08-04-2014, 11:54 PM
First off be very delicate, cause the paint tends to flake once an open cut (scratch) starts to rust therefore I would spray Iron-x onto the rust twice to see what it will break down then ill tape around the scratch and carefully sand away the rest of the rust with 1000 grit sandpaper then wipe the area with rubbing alcohol now its touch up time brush three coats of white touch up paint allowing 15 min dry time inbetween each coat and running 2500 or 3000 grit sandpaper across each coat once or twice then you repeat the same process for the body color and clear coat now you should have a blob thats higher than the surrounding paint start to carefully sand it with 2500 grit sandpaper and finish with 3000 grit now you buff out the defects you made to a high shine and enjoy

08-05-2014, 12:04 AM

Have you used this technique on a similar scratch before?


Do not sand between basecoats

The rust has to completely removed.

Iron-X is not designed for this application.

08-05-2014, 12:24 AM

Have you used this technique on a similar scratch before?


Do not sand between basecoats

The rust has to completely removed.

Iron-X is not designed for this application.

On my personal car yes I have lighly ran 3000 grit sand paper once over each base coat so each will bond better and the repair is in great shape, as for the iron-x I know its not designed for paint touch up but that's why I said you could try iron-x and see what it will remove

08-05-2014, 02:01 PM
I was just wondering if you had actually tried something yourself, before you suggested it to someone else.

You answered my question.

08-05-2014, 02:16 PM
I have used POR 15 in the past for this. You will probably have to sand further than the scratch to get all the rust, it all needs to go, otherwise it will eat away the surrounding area like a cancer. I have used 1000 grit and even 800 to expose the rust, sand it down so it's gone, apply POR 15 with a small brush, then if need be fill in with body filler, sand, prime, paint, and polish. Just my 2 cents.

08-05-2014, 02:44 PM
Get a fiberglass pen, shape the end to fit your needs and start filling in thin layers

http://image.highperformancepontiac.com/f/features/hppp_1010_langka_paint_chip_repair_kit/33836814/hppp_1010_11_o%2Blangka_paint_chip_repair_kit%2Bfr ont_shot.jpg