View Full Version : 2013 Roush Stage 3 Mustang Show car

08-03-2014, 01:43 PM
Recently, I was contacted by a friend of a previous customer, and set up an initial consultation. His car is a 2013 Roush Mustang with almost every option available, and it is a weekend toy/ show car. It never sees rain, and only has 929.1 miles on it, so it wasn't TOO bad.

His main concerns are the swirls, which it had plenty of. We both decided that a 1 step correct/ protect would be best, as he plans on coming back in the fall for CQuartz/ EXO coating, and I will be doing a full correction on the whole car at that point, so we didn't feel the need to take extra clear off right now, when I would be doing it again in a few months.

The paint was a medium hardness, so finding a pad/ AIO combo that cut well enough, and left a good enough finish was a bit tough, but I ended up using Nanoskin Formula 67 with an Orange LC Flat pad on my PC7424XP. This combo worked well, and also leaves a nice wax protection behind.

This is the car upon arrival. It was pretty clean, and only had 1 scratch on the entire car, and that was on the back bumper.

http://i231.photobucket.com/albums/ee252/tersplat/Detailing%20pictures/2013%20Roush%20Mustang/20140731_161711.jpg (http://s231.photobucket.com/user/tersplat/media/Detailing%20pictures/2013%20Roush%20Mustang/20140731_161711.jpg.html)

http://i231.photobucket.com/albums/ee252/tersplat/Detailing%20pictures/2013%20Roush%20Mustang/20140731_161319.jpg (http://s231.photobucket.com/user/tersplat/media/Detailing%20pictures/2013%20Roush%20Mustang/20140731_161319.jpg.html)

http://i231.photobucket.com/albums/ee252/tersplat/Detailing%20pictures/2013%20Roush%20Mustang/20140731_161437.jpg (http://s231.photobucket.com/user/tersplat/media/Detailing%20pictures/2013%20Roush%20Mustang/20140731_161437.jpg.html)

http://i231.photobucket.com/albums/ee252/tersplat/Detailing%20pictures/2013%20Roush%20Mustang/20140731_161456.jpg (http://s231.photobucket.com/user/tersplat/media/Detailing%20pictures/2013%20Roush%20Mustang/20140731_161456.jpg.html)

http://i231.photobucket.com/albums/ee252/tersplat/Detailing%20pictures/2013%20Roush%20Mustang/20140731_161558.jpg (http://s231.photobucket.com/user/tersplat/media/Detailing%20pictures/2013%20Roush%20Mustang/20140731_161558.jpg.html)

http://i231.photobucket.com/albums/ee252/tersplat/Detailing%20pictures/2013%20Roush%20Mustang/20140731_161544.jpg (http://s231.photobucket.com/user/tersplat/media/Detailing%20pictures/2013%20Roush%20Mustang/20140731_161544.jpg.html)

http://i231.photobucket.com/albums/ee252/tersplat/Detailing%20pictures/2013%20Roush%20Mustang/20140731_161622.jpg (http://s231.photobucket.com/user/tersplat/media/Detailing%20pictures/2013%20Roush%20Mustang/20140731_161622.jpg.html)

First things first, I began soaking the wheels in Sonax FE to get the caked on brake dust out, which it did with ease.

http://i231.photobucket.com/albums/ee252/tersplat/Detailing%20pictures/2013%20Roush%20Mustang/20140731_162003.jpg (http://s231.photobucket.com/user/tersplat/media/Detailing%20pictures/2013%20Roush%20Mustang/20140731_162003.jpg.html)

Once I washed and dried the whole car using Nanoskin Green Apple Bubble Bath, and a Stanley Blow/ Vac, I was left with a smooth, but swirled finish. I did a plastic bag test, and found literally ZERO contamination on the whole car, which wasn't surprising due to the low mileage and use of the car.

Once I was done testing for contamination, I taped off the car, and began doing a test spot. This was the 50/50 after Formula 67 on an orange pad.

http://i231.photobucket.com/albums/ee252/tersplat/Detailing%20pictures/2013%20Roush%20Mustang/20140801_140813.jpg (http://s231.photobucket.com/user/tersplat/media/Detailing%20pictures/2013%20Roush%20Mustang/20140801_140813.jpg.html)

http://i231.photobucket.com/albums/ee252/tersplat/Detailing%20pictures/2013%20Roush%20Mustang/20140801_140826.jpg (http://s231.photobucket.com/user/tersplat/media/Detailing%20pictures/2013%20Roush%20Mustang/20140801_140826.jpg.html)

After I found a combo that worked for me, I did the whole car, then polished the exhaust using Mothers Mag and Aluminum polish( my go to polish for just about any metal), and cleaned the engine bay with steam.

Here are the finished results.

http://i231.photobucket.com/albums/ee252/tersplat/Detailing%20pictures/2013%20Roush%20Mustang/20140801_225944.jpg (http://s231.photobucket.com/user/tersplat/media/Detailing%20pictures/2013%20Roush%20Mustang/20140801_225944.jpg.html)

http://i231.photobucket.com/albums/ee252/tersplat/Detailing%20pictures/2013%20Roush%20Mustang/20140801_225917.jpg (http://s231.photobucket.com/user/tersplat/media/Detailing%20pictures/2013%20Roush%20Mustang/20140801_225917.jpg.html)

http://i231.photobucket.com/albums/ee252/tersplat/Detailing%20pictures/2013%20Roush%20Mustang/20140801_231231.jpg (http://s231.photobucket.com/user/tersplat/media/Detailing%20pictures/2013%20Roush%20Mustang/20140801_231231.jpg.html)

http://i231.photobucket.com/albums/ee252/tersplat/Detailing%20pictures/2013%20Roush%20Mustang/20140802_162449.jpg (http://s231.photobucket.com/user/tersplat/media/Detailing%20pictures/2013%20Roush%20Mustang/20140802_162449.jpg.html)

http://i231.photobucket.com/albums/ee252/tersplat/Detailing%20pictures/2013%20Roush%20Mustang/20140802_162507.jpg (http://s231.photobucket.com/user/tersplat/media/Detailing%20pictures/2013%20Roush%20Mustang/20140802_162507.jpg.html)

http://i231.photobucket.com/albums/ee252/tersplat/Detailing%20pictures/2013%20Roush%20Mustang/20140802_162435.jpg (http://s231.photobucket.com/user/tersplat/media/Detailing%20pictures/2013%20Roush%20Mustang/20140802_162435.jpg.html)

http://i231.photobucket.com/albums/ee252/tersplat/Detailing%20pictures/2013%20Roush%20Mustang/20140802_162458.jpg (http://s231.photobucket.com/user/tersplat/media/Detailing%20pictures/2013%20Roush%20Mustang/20140802_162458.jpg.html)

http://i231.photobucket.com/albums/ee252/tersplat/Detailing%20pictures/2013%20Roush%20Mustang/20140802_162734.jpg (http://s231.photobucket.com/user/tersplat/media/Detailing%20pictures/2013%20Roush%20Mustang/20140802_162734.jpg.html)

Each Roush Stage 3 Mustang gets a plaque under the hood with the engraved signature of the engine builder. I thought that was pretty cool.

http://i231.photobucket.com/albums/ee252/tersplat/Detailing%20pictures/2013%20Roush%20Mustang/20140801_225959.jpg (http://s231.photobucket.com/user/tersplat/media/Detailing%20pictures/2013%20Roush%20Mustang/20140801_225959.jpg.html)

One thing I noticed when it was in the garage was that the trunk center panel appeared to have some sort of PPF on it, which gave it a rainbow effect. Does anyone have any experience with this? Can I compound/ polish this? I couldn't see any edges or seams on it, so I'm not really sure what it is.

http://i231.photobucket.com/albums/ee252/tersplat/Detailing%20pictures/2013%20Roush%20Mustang/20140801_230156.jpg (http://s231.photobucket.com/user/tersplat/media/Detailing%20pictures/2013%20Roush%20Mustang/20140801_230156.jpg.html)

And a final shot of the happy owner driving off.

http://i231.photobucket.com/albums/ee252/tersplat/Detailing%20pictures/2013%20Roush%20Mustang/20140802_164127.jpg (http://s231.photobucket.com/user/tersplat/media/Detailing%20pictures/2013%20Roush%20Mustang/20140802_164127.jpg.html)

I hope you all enjoy reading as much as I enjoyed beautifying this monster.


08-03-2014, 01:56 PM
Marvolus work on that mustang keep up the excellent work

08-03-2014, 04:58 PM
Great job man, keep it up!

08-03-2014, 05:11 PM
Does that rainbow effect go all the way across the trunk? In the picture it looks like its just on one side (weird), also does it happen in the sunlight or just in the garage, because it could just be the lighting and reflection in the garage. I say this because a friend of mine has a Roush 427R and i was working on his not too long ago (before he sold it for a roush raptor two weeks ago). His was silver, but it still showed this kind of effect in the same spot all the way across. I don't have the instruments to measure the paint thickness or anything like that, i polished very lightly around there because #1 it was being sold and i was doing it as a favor, and 2 was that Jack Roush signature sticker, i was afraid to go over it and pull it off! I have a black silverado and in some areas where it the lines are more concave it tends to show something like this as well, so it very well could be the light hitting it, but surely it can be polished out for a true reflection. i was just timid to do it. I guess i can practice with it on my truck first and see if i can get rid of it and let ya know next time i polish, which will be this fall. But i'm betting someone on here has already done it.

Car looks great though man, and they are such awesome rides (even though its a ford), can't wait to see if after you do the full correction and CQuartz!

08-03-2014, 05:11 PM
Top job ! Nice pix fella !

08-03-2014, 05:13 PM
Excellent work Eric, that Stage3 is a beast!

08-03-2014, 09:12 PM
Thanks guys! Sippi, that effect goes all the way across that panel, and ONLY that panel. It only shows up in the garage, out of direct sunlight. The Jack Roush signature was bubbling up, so we decided that avoiding that area completely was a good idea. I really can't wait to get it back in the Fall either, it really needs a more aggressive cut, then a finer polish at the end. I am thinking FG400 on Orange and Nano Cut on a white pad will do the trick, but we'll see. Once again, Thanks guys!

08-03-2014, 10:18 PM
Those RS3's are a blast to drive! Good work


08-04-2014, 07:56 AM
That back area can be polished.

08-04-2014, 08:32 AM
Beautiful ride and beautiful work!!

08-04-2014, 10:22 AM
Outstanding job my friend:)

08-04-2014, 01:07 PM
Car Audiophile, Thanks for the tip! That's what I wanted to hear! and everyone else, thank you for the love!

08-04-2014, 01:20 PM
Excellent work! Sweet ride!

08-04-2014, 02:33 PM
Great job, the RS3's are beasts.