View Full Version : Minnesota Detailing Market Scene

07-15-2014, 02:07 PM
Calling All Minnesota Detailers!

I'm a fellow Minnesotan Detailer just getting started. I obviously respect the advice from all those experienced in Detailing, but my question is for those with knowledge of the Minnesota Detailing market. My question is for those with experience marketing in Minnesota, how responsive are people in general to Detailing? Do Minnesotans generally like to do it themselves with a bucket and soap, or will they pay for a well done detail? Now knowing how good detailing can protect your car, I would think winter would be a great time to get it done. But I expect that it is probably a slow time for detailers, am I right? Any advice you are willing to share would be much appreciated as I'm just learning to judge the market.

I also posted this subject in Minnesota's City-Data site and it might be interesting to watch people's responses. So far the pole is showing most don't get details because they are too expensive, and someone posted a comment that it doesn't make sense to get a detail for a third of a year here.....:doh:! If Minnesotans would just get a detail every once in awhile in the winter, we'd have exponentially less rust buckets falling apart on the road. How do any of you handle conversation stoppers like that? Please feel free to post.
Check it out here:
Minnesotans and Auto Detailing. Love it, Hate it, Don't think it's important? - (MN) - City-Data Forum (http://www.city-data.com/forum/minnesota/2159743-minnesotans-auto-detailing-love-hate-dont.html)

07-15-2014, 03:40 PM
I don't know much about the market in MN but I know I wouldn't base many business decisions off a sample of only 5 people from the web. :xyxthumbs:

Welcome to autogeek BTW!

07-15-2014, 04:06 PM
I don't know much about the market in MN but I know I wouldn't base many business decisions off a sample of only 5 people from the web.

Haha yes that is good advice. It's not only my impression from the city-data site, it's just what I notice from living in Minnesota. But I'm not basing my business on that, just trying to use innovative ways to get a feel for the market.

Thank you for your post, I hope more will post especially Minnesota Detailers!

Audios S6
07-15-2014, 04:14 PM
Welcome to AGO from a fellow Minnesotan.

To the comment about 1/3 of the year, detailing is as much about protecting the finish as it is about making the car look good. There are a lot of bargain seekers, and like pretty much anywhere else, people don't understand the time involved and the value a very good detailer provides.

Aside from car clubs and other enthusiasts, most people contact me because they 'need' a detail, for example, due to a mess, family coming to town or selling the car. They do tend to be very loyal customers though.

When someone randomly tells me their car needs to be cleaned and I mention I can detail it, they usually decline saying they will do it themselves, once in a while I get a bite.

Where are you located? Sorry can't tell from mobile app.

07-15-2014, 04:26 PM
Welcome to AGO.

There are a few people willing to pay for a proper, quality detail and there are others who think a good rain is the same as a car wash.

While I think a good detail will help in the winter for rust prevention, I also think that the rust starts in all the places that you can't really detail. Having a super duper lifetime coating on the paint isn't going to protect the frame, floor pans, and all the nooks and crannys where rust normally starts. A good wash regimen is the best defense, IMO.

Many people don't like to get their cars detailed in the winter because "it will just get dirty in a day or two" and they won't get to see the shiny car for a few weeks like you can in the summer.

Luckily, I do this for fun and usually get to work on cool cars so I don't have to try and "sell" the customers on the benefits of a proper detail.


07-18-2014, 11:47 AM
That's A good way to think about it. So you don't do detailing as a business, just a hobby? Or is that just an optimistic view of your work? Either way, thanks for your comments! Please keep them coming Minnesotans and others!