View Full Version : Moldy smell...

07-15-2014, 12:37 PM
My friend's son inadvertently left the windows cracked a tad
and then we had a serious thunderstorm overnight with
constant pour down. Needless to say, the car now has that
moldy smell. Any ideas? Feed back please. :buffing:

07-15-2014, 12:53 PM
going to have to open all the doors and trunk let it air out for a good day or so. get a shop vac or bissell and suck up any remaining water. once that is all done get you either of the products below and let them go to work.

Meguiars Air Re-Fresher Odor Eliminator (http://www.autogeek.net/meguiars-re-fresher-odor-eliminator.html)

or this one, i have not tried this one yet, but i do have it up for testing next.

Eco Touch Odor Eliminator, air freshener (http://www.autogeek.net/eco-odor-eliminator.html)

spray this every where in the car, under the seats, headliner, all the vents including the defrost vent. close the doors, trunk and turn your AC on to recirculate and let it run for a few minutes.

07-15-2014, 01:01 PM
How about a Dakota air bomb as that worked for me

07-15-2014, 01:35 PM
How about a Dakota air bomb as that worked for me

Does AG sell this? Did you have moldy smell?
Feed back please. :buffing:

07-15-2014, 02:49 PM
Yes, AG sells it.
Dakota Odor Control Products feature the Dakota Odor Bomb and Dakota Non-Smoke for car odor removal. (http://www.autogeek.net/dakota-odor-removers.html)

07-15-2014, 04:26 PM
I'd also suggest running the car for a few hours, windows closed, and the AC on full blast - that should help to dry it out. Then bomb it so the product can work as best as possible.

07-15-2014, 06:08 PM
I'd also suggest running the car for a few hours, windows closed, and the AC on full blast - that should help to dry it out. Then bomb it so the product can work as best as possible.

It isn't wet... Just moldy smelling!

07-15-2014, 07:41 PM
Can the smell be coming from under the carpets?

07-15-2014, 09:47 PM
Can the smell be coming from under the carpets?

Good call... as in OH YES IT CAN! :rolleyes:

Way back in the 70's not long after we were married we bought a Vette from a local specialty supplier. We bought it one night during a driving rainstorm. Was the right year and model so we, without looking at it 1: when it was daylight, and 2: when it was DRY signed on the dotted line. It was the stupidest thing we'd ever done, (probably still is to this day).

Turned out that puppy leaked like a screen door submarine!!!!!

Seemed so nice that night that the interior was so sparkling clean, with new floor mats and what looked to be new carpet (or at least barely used). Come to find out with all the friggin' water underneath the carpet it was so bad the old carpet had rotted!
It didn't smell right away, and being as it was raining we parked it for a few days and drove our other cars. By the time we realized, the 72 hour right of rescission had passed.

Ended up fixing it, doing a complete color change (with 20+ coats of metallic blue lacquer) and keeping the car for several years though, just didn't drive it in the rain! :laughing:

That was however the last time we bought a used car! :laughing: