View Full Version : Anyone know ALOT about computers?

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KJW Detailing
07-31-2007, 09:04 PM
I'm looking for anyone that knows ALOT about computes as i am currently looking to purchase one and i really only know the basic's...so i need a little more help...

ok well i see some people looking so maybe i will just let you know what i am thinking about right now...

Im basically looking for a comp that will fufill all of my college student needs and after that i am looking for a movie machine (some that will give me HD like picture quality)...i love movies...i will also play the occational game so a fast computer is also ness...

Screen - 20 inch (atleast) and as big as 24"
Hard Drive - 250 GB (maybe a little bigger like 300-350 GB)
Processor - Core 2 Duo
Ram - 2gh or gb (idk which it is)...
Video Card - i know the norm is 256...but i want something a little better for that crisp, clear, HD type look...
Sound Card - i was told that outside of a 7.1 your not really going to tell much of a difference...

outside of this, im not really sure what else is needed...i would like a wireless mouse and keyboard...

If you need to know more just ask!



Gary Sword
07-31-2007, 09:36 PM
I'm not stuck on any one brand of computer. All the major manufacturers are good. The majority of the parts in a computer are not made by the company that assembles it. I usually look at the major component specs and go with the most bang for the buck at the time of purchase. It seems like it changes every week.

KJW Detailing
07-31-2007, 09:39 PM
well i have a buddy of mine that knows alot about comps and he has put together components of a computer and basically the dell i put together for 1300 will cost me 800 dollars if we buy it in pieces and put it together which he does all the time, im just trying to get all the insight i can!

07-31-2007, 09:41 PM
AnandTech: your source for hardware analysis and news (http://www.anandtech.com)

AnandTech (http://forums.anandtech.com)

Gary Sword
07-31-2007, 09:48 PM
well i have a buddy of mine that knows alot about comps and he has put together components of a computer and basically the dell i put together for 1300 will cost me 800 dollars if we buy it in pieces and put it together which he does all the time, im just trying to get all the insight i can!

I built my current server by purchasing all the components from the cheapest places I could find them on the web. You can put one together cheaper. If I was in college I would get a laptop. I mostly use laptops even at home. I do like to hook it up to a large monitor. The monitor I have my laptop hooked up to now is a 22" Samsung Widescreen.

KJW Detailing
07-31-2007, 09:49 PM
yeah but i really dont know enough to truely know how to determine the difference between one product to the next...

KJW Detailing
07-31-2007, 09:52 PM
laptops are nice but being a commuter to college and never spending anymore time their then ness, makes me feel as if a laptop would be nothing more then a desktop...

and i dont think i would be able to afford a laptop and then a huge screen on top of that...although if i could i prolly would as it sounds like a great idea!

Gary Sword
07-31-2007, 10:01 PM
yeah but i really dont know enough to truely know how to determine the difference between one product to the next...

If you don't know much about computers or the different components in one you would be better off just buying one already built. If you have a friend who would help you build it, it would be fun and a good learning experience.

All that said I would still get a laptop if I was in college. You would have a lot harder time trying to find the parts to build a laptop. I would just go by one that meet all the specs I wanted. It does pay to shop around to get the best price. I just purchased another laptop last week. I ended up getting an HP because I got the best deal on. I also have 3 Toshiba laptops and I have never had a problem with them.

07-31-2007, 10:23 PM
Go to the Dell website, check out the Outlet. If I were you, buy yourself a GX745!!!

07-31-2007, 11:02 PM
I would hate to have a desktop in college. Both my girl friend and roommate have one, pain in the ass!

07-31-2007, 11:04 PM
I would hate to have a desktop in college. Both my girl friend and roommate have one, pain in the ass!

That's a pretty good point. However, I didn't have a laptop until I graduated from college. I was always the student who hated carrying a backpack around, I would always have my stuff in my hand.

KJW Detailing
07-31-2007, 11:11 PM
well i dont personally care between the desktop or a laptop but after thinking about gary's idea on getting a laptop and then a monitor that to me sounds like an amazing idea...

07-31-2007, 11:33 PM
I am looking to get a new laptop as well. I am on my Dell 600M right now, and I don't like it that much. It has a ton of problems! I am thinking I will get a Toshiba or a Macbook Pro. The thing about the Macbook Pro is that I would be installing windows anyways so I don't know if it is worth the premium.

07-31-2007, 11:53 PM
i use a laptop to school. but it was my grad present, so i cant help. i got wireless and dude thats the way to go.

08-01-2007, 12:23 AM
Haha. Didn't realize you were the same dude from 8thcivic.com :p