View Full Version : Tree sap situation on just detailed SUV

07-07-2014, 03:52 AM
Hi. I hope I can get some ideas here. Here's my situation...

I immaculately washed my relatives SUV, clayed it, and since it only had some minor scratches I used Ultimate Compound, and lastly I put on a coat of Collinite Liquid Insulator Wax 845. I actually put a total of 3 coats on the hood and roof. Afterwards it looked stunning. The next day I pulled it out of the garage into natural light to see better to clean the interior. I can never get the right light in the garage to clean the interior properly. So afterwards I started the vehicle up and of course during the cleaning I had the wipers in the on position. When the wipers went across the windshield I heard an abrasive sound. Well it turns out the wind must have been blowing sap from a nearby tree. The sap is so minute you can feel it, but not see it except for the largest spots which are very few and very small. This is clear sap from a Maple tree. As you can guess after all of that work I'm not very happy. I'm thinking of claying (clay towel) the entire top surfaces of the SUV again to get rid of the sap and then put the Collinite 845 back on. Good idea or not? Will heating the sap with a hair dryer and then wiping it with a microfiber towel be a better idea? Would I still have to apply 845 after a hair dryer? Help is appreciated with this situation. Thank you.

07-07-2014, 06:03 AM
If the sap is all over the windshield my first thought is that claying will take awhile and you would wind up throwing the clay away afterward. So with the intent to try and save a claybar I would consider using something like Stoner's Tarminator first (or an equivalent product) - pick up what you can with a MF towel, then do a Rinseless wash on the windshield and in the general area, and then see if you need to clay the glass.

07-07-2014, 06:08 AM
I just had this exact thing happen to me. I waxed my car and then moved it outside to seal my garage floor. To my disappointment I could see the sap on the windshield when I went to move it back in the garage, which meant all horizontal surfaces had it. Being I just waxed the car and the sap was " fresh" I wash able to do a regular wash and all was good.

07-09-2014, 03:01 AM
Thanks for the help people, it is greatly appreciated. Due to work and other commitments I had to let this SUV sit in the garage for 2 days. Odd thing... today I went to deal with the issue and 95% of the stuff wiped off with a MF towel and the little that was left I just put my hand on it and with the heat of my hand it warmed up enough that it also was able to be wiped off. I then buffed out the horizontal surfaces and reapplied a very thin layer of 845. All good now, but what a thing to happen.