View Full Version : Using well water????

07-03-2014, 09:58 PM
will the CR spotless system take care of the well water issues of spotting?

07-03-2014, 10:13 PM
Is this your well or a clients? I have a well and don't have spotting issues. Moreover the water treatment gear in my basement is checked annually to make sure it's removing/ adding the right stuff from my well water. If it is your well, I'd recommend getting your water tested before heading down the CR System route.

07-03-2014, 10:27 PM
no it's a place I will be doing a lot of details. The water is smelly, dirty, and is not currently filtered.

07-03-2014, 10:44 PM
no it's a place I will be doing a lot of details. The water is smelly, dirty, and is not currently filtered.

Gross! That doesn't even sound pottable. Don't drink it! If your water source has that much going on id take into consider the rate that you'll need to replace the DI resin. It may be able to filter out most of the minerals but it's not going to trap the uncharged organic particles (or bacteria) the well is sending up. Good luck!

07-04-2014, 03:16 AM
It might just be worth getting a tank and bringing your water with you. The cost of replacing the resin could end up costing a hundred dollars every couple of washes if the water is really that filthy. A hundred gallon water tank and a pump might just be worth it for you.

07-04-2014, 09:35 AM
no it's a place I will be doing a lot of details. The water is smelly, dirty, and is not currently filtered.

My well water comes straight out of the ground cool, clear, and drinkable. Is this well tapped into a toxic waste dump? Well water smells like well water but it shouldn't be dirty. Put some in a clear cup and look for particulates. If it's clear wash your car and dry them quickly before the minerals can concentrate and dry on the car. I washed cars with well water for years without problems. I finally did a remodel and ran hot and cold lines out to my garage from the treated city water source. Can't say I've noticed any difference other than the hot water is nice when it's cold out.