View Full Version : Need professional advice how-to-charge for multi car customer

Extreme Radiance
06-25-2014, 08:45 PM
I received a call today from a customer wanting me to detail 3 vehicles. Mustang / Escalade / Viper

I know this person keeps their cars in good shape but I havent seen them up close.
The mustang needs carpet / engine cleaning and a wax but I am guessing its more than that.
The customer lives down the street and this could turn into repeat business. They also mentioned their kids cars are detailed by a competitor.

I have the potential to gain additional business.

Just so you know, I charge $250 for a polish and wax. SUV's cost extra.
Radiance Detail removes particles embedded in the paint surface and
removes minor swirl marks. Radiance Detail package includes all previous services. Approx. 5-8 hrs

Thoroughly vacuum carpet, floor mats and seats
Clean air vents and compartments
Steam clean carpets, floor mats, seats
Clean and condition leather seats
Apply fabric protection
Clay bar to decontaminate the paint
Restore paint luster / light scratch removal
Hand apply premium wax
Exterior rubber trim treatment

I charge $150 for the DELUXE package

Spot clean carpets and floor mats
Spot clean fabric / leather seats
Hand apply quality wax

Here is my thinking at this point on how to charge.
1. Visual inspection of all 3.
2. match needs to existing detail packages
3. offer 20% discount on the Mustang and regular charges for remaining vehicles.

What would you guys do in this situation?
How much should I charge for a black Escalade on the packages above?

Thank you

Paul A.
06-25-2014, 08:52 PM
For me, the key would be to "see them up close" and discuss what the customer wants first. I understand you are looking for a ball park to be in in advance but i have an hourly rate and estimate the work time after hearing what they want. Then, if you want to discount something, take it from there. However i might give them the hourly quoted price right up front and if they balk maybe toss in a "deal".

And find out what "your competition" is charging them to give you an idea what they may be used to. I cold call several of my local competitors as a fictitious customer with a fictitous vehicle every once in a while just to get a feel what their game is.

06-25-2014, 09:13 PM
For me, the key would be to "see them up close" and discuss what the customer wants first. I understand you are looking for a ball park to be in in advance but i have an hourly rate and estimate the work time after hearing what they want. Then, if you want to discount something, take it from there. However i might give them the hourly quoted price right up front and if they balk maybe toss in a "deal".

And find out what "your competition" is charging them to give you an idea what they may be used to. I cold call several of my local competitors as a fictitious customer with a fictitous vehicle every once in a while just to get a feel what their game is.

Aha!, So you are the one who called me and never brought that red Ferrari? Busted, mate!

Kidding apart, I may offer discount when customer brings more than 2 cars in a row. I don't know if this is common practice in US, in Brazil it is and customers always asks for it...

Based on your actual quote, I'd charge $350 for the Escalade.

So, in the end, you got $250 + $250 + $350 = $850, round it $800 and that's the discount.

Another way customers may like a discount is charging the same for all vehicles (I know it's insanity sometimes, analyze the situation). That means, $250 + $250 + $250 = $750, but you'll be $50 down the strategy said above.

Depending on vehicles condition after inspection, you may use the strategy above (charge the same), but call it $300, x3 = $900 at the end, and you'll be $100 up the first strategy... And customer will be getting a discount because you'll be charging the same 'small car quote' for his big car. Many times customers has this belief, larger cars, more work. This is not always (not even close) true..

It's hard to give a price on other people's job, but I believe your $250 quote is somewhat low from the start, including a discount may be even lower.

However, doing 3 in a row from one customer with potential family cars in advance, experience, new customers, may worth at the end. You should analyze the situation carefully.

Good luck.

Paul A.
06-25-2014, 09:55 PM
Yes, but you talked the best "game" :xyxthumbs:

Extreme Radiance
06-26-2014, 10:26 AM
Guys, thank you for your advice.
I am thinking of giving a discount for the first car, charge $100 more for the Escalade and regular price for the third car.
Actually I should give the discount on the last car, but he wants the viper done last and I can see him wanting it to get extra work.

Paul A.
06-26-2014, 10:28 AM
Sounds reasonable and i'm sure he'll be happy. Good luck.

06-26-2014, 12:15 PM
Hey Greg,

I did receive your email and was about to reply in the email but it may be information others could benefit from so here is my take on that.

#1 Inspection.... Go through a thorough inspection of ALL cars at the same time. Take notes, point out things, ask questions and do a lot of hmmm, ohhhh, ahhhh
#2 Goal setting. Sit down with the guy and ask what he sees the final product to be. This is the part where you listen, and listen some more. Get a feel for where he stands on each cars and then direct his goal setting accordingly
#3 Recap the goals in your words so that you are both on the same page
#4 Ask for his budget. This is one of the most overlooked part because you want to tell them what it will cost. Your job is to ask for their budget and then go back to the goals and give him everything that fits that budget
#5 Gentle/suggestive upsells. This is where you take your expertise and tell him where he can get the best bang for the buck, without forgetting about his budget.
#6 Agreement, hand shake, scheduling and exchange of the retainer.
#7 Do the work
#8 Add extras (instead of giving him discounts), unless he wants EVERYTHING!!! then give him a multicar discount 10-15% is a number people tend to be happy with.
#9 Dangle a carrot in the form of a follow up discount on any maintenance for every car he refers
#10 Follow up about 1 week after to see how the car fair and if he has any questions.

The money thing is irrelevant unless they are convinced you are worth it (hence the steps above) and provided that you are within their budget and looking for THEIR best interest.

Personally I would not brake down per car to try and show him value because the math may be too complicated for him (not understanding the process). Come up with a final figure and tell him I will do all 3 for $$$. If I were the customer I would not care about the discount on the Stang and the upcharge on the bigger SUV etc... I would want to know and hear that you got everything covered that we agreed on for one the one check I am going to give you, and that I can count on you if something is not 100% that you will take care of it. I ALWAYS follow up with my clients, and ask them if it is Ok for me to follow up with them via text or call in about a week or so (and I set it up in my calendar).

If you haven't seen it, read the story in my latest Show 'N Shine. This is a typical experience where people don't want the details. You establish the trust line, manipulate the final $$ to fit the budget and you are in BUSINESS!!

06-26-2014, 12:23 PM
Hey Greg,

I did receive your email and was about to reply in the email but it may be information others could benefit from so here is my take on that.

#1 Inspection.... Go through a thorough inspection of ALL cars at the same time. Take notes, point out things, ask questions and do a lot of hmmm, ohhhh, ahhhh
#2 Goal setting. Sit down with the guy and ask what he sees the final product to be. This is the part where you listen, and listen some more. Get a feel for where he stands on each cars and then direct his goal setting accordingly
#3 Recap the goals in your words so that you are both on the same page
#4 Ask for his budget. This is one of the most overlooked part because you want to tell them what it will cost. Your job is to ask for their budget and then go back to the goals and give him everything that fits that budget
#5 Gentle/suggestive upsells. This is where you take your expertise and tell him where he can get the best bang for the buck, without forgetting about his budget.
#6 Agreement, hand shake, scheduling and exchange of the retainer.
#7 Do the work
#8 Add extras (instead of giving him discounts), unless he wants EVERYTHING!!! then give him a multicar discount 10-15% is a number people tend to be happy with.
#9 Dangle a carrot in the form of a follow up discount on any maintenance for every car he refers
#10 Follow up about 1 week after to see how the car fair and if he has any questions.

The money thing is irrelevant unless they are convinced you are worth it (hence the steps above) and provided that you are within their budget and looking for THEIR best interest.

Personally I would not brake down per car to try and show him value because the math may be too complicated for him (not understanding the process). Come up with a final figure and tell him I will do all 3 for $$$. If I were the customer I would not care about the discount on the Stang and the upcharge on the bigger SUV etc... I would want to know and hear that you got everything covered that we agreed on for one the one check I am going to give you, and that I can count on you if something is not 100% that you will take care of it. I ALWAYS follow up with my clients, and ask them if it is Ok for me to follow up with them via text or call in about a week or so (and I set it up in my calendar).

If you haven't seen it, read the story in my latest Show 'N Shine. This is a typical experience where people don't want the details. You establish the trust line, manipulate the final $$ to fit the budget and you are in BUSINESS!!

Hit the nail on the head with this one. You can talk all you want about how you can do this and that, but in the end, if the customer is only willing to spend X amount, you may be selling too much. Figure out what they want to spend and work around that, but also say things like, "For just ?$? more I can add this to the package." or in your case, say to the customer, "Since you are bringing all three I will add in (Fill in the blank) on all three cars free of charge for booking all three." Notice I said booking, not just talking about, but actually booking.


06-26-2014, 12:51 PM
Very precious information on your answer Claude, your attitude towards opening your reply to the public already benefited (A HUGE LOT!) at least one more person.

Thanks for that,

Kind Regards.

Extreme Radiance
06-26-2014, 02:43 PM
Great advice you have given. You never let me down. I dont feel booking is in question as they want all 3 completed by 9/1/14. You are on the money about listening and finding what is important and their expectations. Basically, get their cards on the table . And everyone likes free stuff. I need to give this some thought. Perhaps a free scotchguard. Its cheap to buy and can be done quickly.
Many thanks to everyone for your insight.

06-26-2014, 04:32 PM
Hey Greg,

I did receive your email and was about to reply in the email but it may be information others could benefit from so here is my take on that.

#1 Inspection.... Go through a thorough inspection of ALL cars at the same time. Take notes, point out things, ask questions and do a lot of hmmm, ohhhh, ahhhh
#2 Goal setting. Sit down with the guy and ask what he sees the final product to be. This is the part where you listen, and listen some more. Get a feel for where he stands on each cars and then direct his goal setting accordingly
#3 Recap the goals in your words so that you are both on the same page
#4 Ask for his budget. This is one of the most overlooked part because you want to tell them what it will cost. Your job is to ask for their budget and then go back to the goals and give him everything that fits that budget
#5 Gentle/suggestive upsells. This is where you take your expertise and tell him where he can get the best bang for the buck, without forgetting about his budget.
#6 Agreement, hand shake, scheduling and exchange of the retainer.
#7 Do the work
#8 Add extras (instead of giving him discounts), unless he wants EVERYTHING!!! then give him a multicar discount 10-15% is a number people tend to be happy with.
#9 Dangle a carrot in the form of a follow up discount on any maintenance for every car he refers
#10 Follow up about 1 week after to see how the car fair and if he has any questions.

The money thing is irrelevant unless they are convinced you are worth it (hence the steps above) and provided that you are within their budget and looking for THEIR best interest.

Personally I would not brake down per car to try and show him value because the math may be too complicated for him (not understanding the process). Come up with a final figure and tell him I will do all 3 for $$$. If I were the customer I would not care about the discount on the Stang and the upcharge on the bigger SUV etc... I would want to know and hear that you got everything covered that we agreed on for one the one check I am going to give you, and that I can count on you if something is not 100% that you will take care of it. I ALWAYS follow up with my clients, and ask them if it is Ok for me to follow up with them via text or call in about a week or so (and I set it up in my calendar).

If you haven't seen it, read the story in my latest Show 'N Shine. This is a typical experience where people don't want the details. You establish the trust line, manipulate the final $$ to fit the budget and you are in BUSINESS!!

Very good advice, you hit the nail right in the head with this one

Sent from my SPH-D710 using AG Online

Extreme Radiance
07-01-2014, 10:51 PM
Customer brought me a 2006 Mustang tonight and informed me he will bring a total of 4 cars. 1 every other month. I deducted $20 on the engine detail and paint correction on a couple minor scratches for free. I pulled these vehicles away from another detailer.

07-02-2014, 12:22 AM
What I do with multiple vehicle customers is charge more for the first (incase they dont bring the others) and go down from there when they bring consecutive cars. If the package they want is $100 they get charged accordingly
1. $110
2. $100 (or $90 if its the second of only 2)
3. $90
4. $80

07-02-2014, 01:01 AM
Claude you supplied some great advice, and I'm glad extreme landed the client.