View Full Version : Iron-X Changed Colors!

06-21-2014, 07:01 PM
Strange...I got a new large bottle of iron-x lemon. I poured it into my existing (iron-x) spray bottle about a month ago. Well today, I noticed it had turned a very, very, dark pink. Haven't used it to see if it's good, but what do you guys think happened? The refill bottle that I bought still has the original color; it's just what I poured in the small spray bottle that changed. It has not been sitting in the sun or anything and both bottles have been exposed to the exact same temps and conditions. The only thing to note is the spray bottle was iron-x original; not the lemon. There was a tiny bit of the original left In the spray bottle when I topped it off, but the color was fine.


06-21-2014, 07:20 PM
Wonder if it s contanimation .

Or both products seem not to mix well .

06-21-2014, 08:08 PM
Its most likely both products do not like another cause if it was a substance of the bottle it would have changed with the un- lemon version though if i was you ill try to see if its still good by spraying some on a hidden part of the wheel or exhaust

06-22-2014, 02:25 PM
Check out your trigger,
it has metal spring in it, if its oxidized this is the cause for the color change
its not the mixing between both ironx lemon or cherry


06-22-2014, 04:27 PM
Ah , thanx for the comeback Avi !

So it should be recommended that we change trigger if we go from IronX to Lemon then !

06-23-2014, 08:58 AM
Ah , thanx for the comeback Avi !

So it should be recommended that we change trigger if we go from IronX to Lemon then !
i mean if the trigger is old , the metal spring inside started reacting with the ironx liquid , these mostly are cheap springs which rusting easy made in china , this is the only reason it can change color inside the bottles.
the triggers we use now , the past 6 months , are high quality ones which wont have this problem
but yet, it will work fine if you spray it on wheels or car paint.

06-23-2014, 03:05 PM
Thanks. That was my main concern is wether I still have a good, safe, useable product.

06-23-2014, 03:26 PM
i mean if the trigger is old , the metal spring inside started reacting with the ironx liquid , these mostly are cheap springs which rusting easy made in china , this is the only reason it can change color inside the bottles.
the triggers we use now , the past 6 months , are high quality ones which wont have this problem
but yet, it will work fine if you spray it on wheels or car paint.

Ah , thanx for the reply mate !

06-25-2014, 09:25 AM
From Corey @ CarPro-US...

Hi Jon, it should only change color if exposed to some iron particles but maybe had reaction with the other product. They are not the same formulae so this is possible. The product should still work but if turning dark pink or red it would appear that it absorbed some iron which can lower its effectiveness a little. I would test on a inconspicuous spot before widespread use as we can’t guarantee anything after being mixed with other chemicals. Being its IXLS it should be fine but better safe than sorry.