View Full Version : CarPro Reload on top of HYDR02?

06-15-2014, 09:59 AM
Anyone know if you can use Reload on top of HYDR02? Just used HYDR02 for the first time on a buddies truck and I am highly impressed with the results. Surface has a smooth feel but not as slick as Reload gives. I know using Reload on top of Cquarts Finest is recommended so I was wondering if it works to extend the protection of HYDR02?

06-15-2014, 11:53 AM
Found a post where a guy did just this and here is his reply..

"Now for the interesting and educational part. The following images are from the same time and rain a couple days ago but on the rear lid where I conducted a followup test. Here (a week after HydrO2 application) I applied Reload over one section and Poorboys Natty’s blue wax over the other. Note that they did not play well and impeded each other some what. So, those asking I would say if you want to layer apply Reload under Hydro and not on top of it."

Not sure how I feel about using Reload before HDRY02 and if it would effect the way HYDR02 bonds to the surface. At least I found my answer and will not be using Reload on top of HYDR02.

06-16-2014, 12:22 PM
My advice is to ask am expert. Talk with or email Corey Caruth at carpro Usa. I can't imagine they are not compatable. But i am not sure putting one over the other has any advantages either.

06-16-2014, 12:29 PM
I would imagine it would be fine as they are both similar products (silica spray sealants)...

In any case, I would use the more durable of the two as the base layer followed by the other. So that means Reload first, then HydrO2 on top if you really felt the need to use both.

06-16-2014, 01:35 PM
The response I had quoted above was from Cee Dog. He provided pictures that cleared showed less beeding when Reload was used on top of HYDR02. I didn't expect to see that but he had it all layed out nicely to show differences.