View Full Version : Professional detailing

06-12-2014, 11:43 AM
anyone recommend a pro detailer in dallas area?

Setec Astronomy
06-12-2014, 12:13 PM
Scott's Mobile Auto Detailing :: Home (http://www.scottwax.com/)

06-12-2014, 12:27 PM
thanks for the info; here in dallas these summers wreak havoc on sealants and waxes

06-12-2014, 12:29 PM
then make sure he coats your vehicle!

Mike Phillips
06-12-2014, 01:09 PM
I've known Scott Hair for over 10 years.

He attended my first road show class in Dallas, Texas. He was one of my VIP Guests to Meguiar's corporate office for a special detailing class for the discussion forum world.

He's a hard work and as honest as the day is long. He'll do the job right the first time and you will become another satisfied customer in a long line of satisfied customers.

I'm not trying to single other great detailers in the Dallas area as we have a few stellar members in that area but like I said.. I've known Scott for long time and count him as a good friend and peer in this industry.


Setec Astronomy
06-12-2014, 01:34 PM
He was one of my VIP Guests to Meguiar's corporate office for a special detailing class for the discussion forum world.

Certainly a landmark day for the "man vs. machine" competition (and that the recently-mentioned Jimmy Buff-It was there).

EDIT: I just remembered, didn't Barry get you and the VIP's a tour of Jay Leno's garage? Man, that was just an epic weekend.

Mike Phillips
06-20-2014, 07:03 AM
Certainly a landmark day for the "man vs. machine" competition (and that the recently-mentioned Jimmy Buff-It was there).

Good memory and "yes" Jimmy Buff-it was there as well as a few others but most of them no longer post to detailing forum.

I've always said I'm in this for the long run and the proof is I'm still here... I've seen a lot of people come and go over the years.

And you're also correct about Scott and me doing the Man vs Machine, if I remember correctly back then Scott did all his work by hand and I did all my work by machine so we had a contest to see who could machine wax one half of a car faster and I think I won and after that Scott switched over to working by machine. It's been a few years so I could be wrong but I think that's the jist of it.

EDIT: I just remembered, didn't Barry get you and the VIP's a tour of Jay Leno's garage?

Actually, Mike Pennington called in a favor and obtained permission for our group to take a tour of Jay Leno's garage.

Man, that was just an epic weekend.

It was. Back then MOL was doing things no one else was doing including hosting this event.
