View Full Version : Of course....

07-27-2007, 12:04 AM
So I'm all excited to do this 997 Turbo tonight with NTS7 for the July contest. It had some acid rain damage and some bird bomb etching from sitting at the dealership for two weeks while some parts were ordered for it. The dealership was kind enough to install some lovely buffer burns while they were at it, so I got to take a crack at it. It took longer than expected and I lost all my light by the time I was done. We planned on taking some pictures tomorrow though. Here it is in the garage:



And here it is about two seconds after I finished it and it was pulling out:


Notice anything wrong with that last picture? So hopefully it will stop raining before the end of the month so I can get my award winning pictures taken of it. :D

07-27-2007, 02:47 AM
wow hot sex!

07-27-2007, 08:36 AM
My dream car, why such teasing???

07-27-2007, 09:02 AM
It's actually pretty sad that I even had to work on it. The Porsche dealership should have been able to handle the spots. This guy has been obsessive about this car since he got it and there wasn't a mark on it when he dropped it off. It came back and they had dried it with a bath towel and it had acid rain spots all over it. There was even a nice big bird bomb etched into the hood for good measure.

Actually, if the guy would have listened to me then none of this would have happened. I told him to get wax or something on it months ago when he first got it. He said that nothing would look better than the factory finish and I told him it was more about the protection than the look. Now he is wishing he had listened. lol

I'm going to get some good pictures this weekend of it. That thing has great lines and will look terrific out in the sun. NTS7 is an interesting product. I am really looking forward to seeing the results on black. I wanted to use Wolfgang sooooo bad, but I had to give NTS7 a try. Stay tuned. ;)

07-27-2007, 09:41 AM
Are you worried that the rain will wash off the NTS7??? BTW the car looks great and can't wait to see better pictures of it.

07-27-2007, 09:54 AM

Does it have PCCB and Sport Chrono?

07-27-2007, 09:54 AM
If the rain washes it off then you can all expect a very terrible review of the product. lol I'm sure it will be fine. We sat around and relaxed for awhile after I had put the product on in hopes that it would stop raining. Two hours later we decided there wasn't much that could be done. He suggested that he go back home in my truck and get his car trailer so we could load it in, but that is a little obsessive even for me. lol We'll wash it again on Saturday and get some good pictures.

07-27-2007, 12:07 PM
And I thought I was the only person who got rainned on just after a detail.

07-27-2007, 02:22 PM
Great work. That Porsche is looking beautiful in the garage :D. At least you got to see the beading action when it started raining.