View Full Version : Unable to remove "sap looking" mark

05-31-2014, 12:04 PM
Hi guys,

I just found this mark on my ride. And I have tired almost everything to remove it. Compound, polish etc. Do you guys have any tips to help remedy this situation?

Really getting on my nerves as I only had this ride for a month :(



05-31-2014, 12:09 PM
If it won't polish out with a compound, then it must have soaked into the clear coat. If you have a paint gauge then I'd recommend wet sanding to see how deep it goes. Don't do it without one though, I don't think I could stand another clear coat failure thread! Lol

Paul A.
05-31-2014, 12:12 PM
Before i get mechanically abrasive i try chemical cleaners and something above the surface of the paint should come off with the right chemical. I first try an AIO type product. Then maybe iso alc or maybe even Goof Off. Now before i suffer the onslaught of using Goof Off on paint i will mention it is ONLY reserved for my "pull your hair out" moments when all previous attempts don't work and ONLY on small areas. It is very sparingly applied and only directly to the blemish followed by a very good soapy wash off after to make sure it is washed off fully.

I have been amazed in the past when i would resort to a mechanical abrasive means with no luck to then working bass ackwards and have it come immediately off with a chemical approach. I now try that first!

05-31-2014, 12:16 PM
Tbh, if he's already hit it with a compound and that hasn't touched it, then it's probably no longer just on the surface. Not come across goof off, will have to google that one ;-)

Paul A.
05-31-2014, 12:34 PM
Yes, great point nib. Just sharing some experience i have had with weird paint spots or anomolies that after trying to mechanically remove have come off with a wipe of a dissolving solvent.

Typically your point is spot on though.

05-31-2014, 01:03 PM
tbh, its always worth trying a solvent type product, but i suspect this might have progressed too far.

05-31-2014, 01:42 PM
Thanks for the response guys. I would also conclude that it has somewhat soaked into the clear coat and no mechanically abrasive has manage to even remove it slightly. It's really disheartening :(.

Since I do not have a paint depth gauge with me, I would suppose heading down to a professional detailing/body shop would be my next option. Wouldn't dare to do a wet sand operation on my own either.

However, I have some mates which they heard soaking it in WD-40 might be able to remove the mark. I wouldn't dare to give it a try without any legit feedback though, has anyone heard anything about this?

05-31-2014, 05:38 PM
WD-40 isn't going to do any harm, it's basically just fish oil, so by all means give it a go. you might as well try everything you can (within reason) before taking it to a body shop :xyxthumbs:

05-31-2014, 07:25 PM
I have had success with goo b gone. But I just purchased a new car, there were about 100 dots black dots on white paint not over spray felt smoother., that would not come off with clay, plastic razor, goo b gone or aio. I thought I was going to have to wet sand but more abrasion was the key. It did not work with white pad and uc but Got orange pad some uc and blam gone. Just my 2 cents.

05-31-2014, 07:40 PM
i'd soak that with prep solvent and see if it budges...then something more viscous like goo gone if that doesn't work. or soak it with WD-40 as mentioned.

05-31-2014, 08:28 PM
i'd soak that with prep solvent and see if it budges...then something more viscous like goo gone if that doesn't work. or soak it with WD-40 as mentioned.

I'll give the WD-40 a go since I have one lying in the house. How long do I soak it for though?


05-31-2014, 10:20 PM
Pull the car in the shade, paint cool to touch then wet the spot and let it soar 30 seconds to a minute and the wipe. Look at your cloth. Any residue on it? If so, repeat as necessary but don't let it sit too long before wiping it off. After you finish be sure to reapply your wax.

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