View Full Version : Denver, CO - great detailer recommendations?

05-26-2014, 06:19 PM
Hey guys,

A member on another forum I am on is looking for a great detailer in Denver. He is a DIY'er who has experience with a PC, but has some swirls and a few problem areas on a 2014 Toyota Highlander that he would like addressed. I haven't asked him about LSP, so not sure if he would like wax, sealant, or even a coating to protect his new baby.

So can anyone who is a high quality prof. detailer in Denver or knows of one drop a recommendation?

Thank you all! :xyxthumbs:

05-28-2014, 02:36 PM

05-28-2014, 03:48 PM
I'm the person you want...
I will PM you my contact information