View Full Version : Polishing The Top of Full-Sized Van

05-23-2014, 10:30 AM
I've search the forums, but can't find this addressed.

I will be doing a Ford E350 soon. I plan to use a machine one-step on the roof, but was wondering how you guys got up there. I did a 4x4 crew cab Tundra a couple of weeks ago and between my ladder and work platform, it was tough going. I can't imagine how I would do the entire top of the van that way.

Does the Werner platform get up high enough? I'm about 5'10".


05-23-2014, 10:47 AM
The Werner is only 22". I'm 6' and it wasn't enough for my van. I stood on the inside with the door open & got half of it done, then used a ladder, twisting & turning to finish the rest. I put a sealant on it so that it would last a year. PITA though to detail.

Mike Phillips
05-23-2014, 11:19 AM
Here's the Werner's being used for the top of this truck....

Safety First
Here's Robert and Glen tackling the roof, not they are standing on stable work platforms to protect both themselves and the truck.

Robert using the PC and Glenn using the Meguiar's G110v2


1954 Ford F-100 - Extreme Makeover - Process and products used (http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/pictures-autogeek-s-car-week/42270-1954-ford-f-100-extreme-makeover-process-products-used.html)


Mike Phillips
05-23-2014, 11:23 AM
While the owner tool the low road I took the high road and used the Werner work platform to do a one-step to this Toyota Highlander. Worked fine for this SUV.

John buffing out his Toyota using the Porter Cable 7424XP


KISS Detail - Extreme Makeover - Toyota Highlander (http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/show-n-shine/30979-kiss-detail-extreme-makeover-toyota-highlander.html)


05-23-2014, 12:44 PM
Thanks for the help. My current platform is one of the cheap ones from HF, and I plan to get a more substantial one like the Werner. I just wanted to see if there were other options for the height.

Mike, funny you should post the photo of the highlander, because when I had to do the white Tundra a couple of weeks ago I bought the XMT 360 just because of your write-up. It worked great!

Paul A.
05-23-2014, 04:58 PM
I use the 2 rear tires to stand on to get SUV roofs. I also have a Werner platform until i work my way back to the rear tires. I'm 5' 9" and its a reach but i manage to get every inch that way. Not sure how tall or long the 350 is and i am assuming my approach might not be enough reach for the entire roof.

Mike Phillips
05-24-2014, 06:45 AM
Mike, funny you should post the photo of the highlander, because when I had to do the white Tundra a couple of weeks ago I bought the XMT 360 just because of your write-up.

It worked great!

The time stamp from when I posted that thread is,


That's 3.5 years ago using fuzzy math.... (that's math in my head).

I saw the Toyota Highlander about this time last year, it was still looking pretty good but my guess is it hasn't seen anything outside of a car wash since then...


05-24-2014, 12:40 PM

I bought a similar platform from Home Depot last year on sale for like $15 to paint crown molding in my house. Maybe the best $15 I've ever spent. Funny thing, that was BEFORE I was introduced to detailing or purchasing my SUV. I was about a quarter of the way done with the roof, struggling on a ladder before I realized I had the damn thing.:nomore:

I also use my sons old floor puzzles (the big 2x2's) and place between the platform and vehicle, and one between the vehicle and body when I have to use that gangsta lean and reachIm the MAN

I always complete the top before continuing,:buffing: if it's multiple steps. When I'm down I'm done, the continue with the rest of the car. Even with the platform, it get old quick. At least for me.