View Full Version : My Newest Products/Gear..

Deep Gloss Auto Salon
07-23-2007, 09:59 PM
I'm single so I get to take my pics in the living room instead of on the bed:D

This ones for you Nica


07-23-2007, 10:10 PM
Awesome, where can I get one of those lights?

Black Diamond
07-23-2007, 10:12 PM
Nice collection Jason! I'm sure you will have much success with those products. One question for you. The empty spray bottles look nice from what I can see. What size are they and where did you get them?

Deep Gloss Auto Salon
07-23-2007, 10:44 PM
Hey Dan: I got it at Tuesday Mornings. I had never heard of the store before but someone told me about the light so I used the store search. Come to find out there was one within 7 miles.. only $15..... here's the store finder url

Diamond: They are 16oz bottles. I got them from aco hardware. Regular price $1.98 on sale for 0.30 - I bought them all, filled my cart. Couldn't fit them all on my table for this pic though

07-23-2007, 10:46 PM
You gonna love the Optimum polishes and compounds, you can work them long and no dusting.

07-23-2007, 10:51 PM
Ahh, Tuesday Mornings, got one of those within walking distance, Ill pick one up tomorrow. Thanks!

07-23-2007, 10:58 PM
Ahh, Tuesday Mornings, got one of those within walking distance, Ill pick one up tomorrow. Thanks!

Really good deal @$15. Normally $30.

07-23-2007, 10:58 PM
Is it easier to see swirls in silvers and whites with this compared to halogens?

07-23-2007, 11:21 PM
Nice collection you have there.

07-24-2007, 01:03 AM
Prima Epic is a nice sealant. I've been using it since last summer. Will this be your first experience with the Prima line?

07-24-2007, 03:09 AM
Man nice toys! Show us your whole collection, especially your waxes/sealants :D

Deep Gloss Auto Salon
07-24-2007, 07:19 AM
Dan: Haven't had a chance to use it yet so I dont know how it compares to Halogen..

Davet: Thanks bud..

Surfer: Yeah that's one of the reasons I went for Opt.. longer work times was another PLUS, everyone that uses the line seems to love it (when used correctly)

2LSK1: Nope haven't tried the prima yet

klumzypinoy: The collection is getting bigger :righton: My son gave me a hard enough time taking pictures of my new stuff.. he'd really think I was whacky takin a picture of it all... I may pull the boys out for a photo op... still building my collection!

Cant wait to use my new stuff!!!

07-24-2007, 07:41 AM
Nice stash of goodies there Jason. You've got all the essentials. Great buy on the trigger sprayers, I'd like to come across those where I live. Was that at ACE hardware maybe?

Deep Gloss Auto Salon
07-24-2007, 08:02 AM
Thanks RF.. They were had at ACO Hardware

As we were in the store and I was filling my cart withy sprayers my son (7 years old) was laughing at me "Dad, do you really think you're going to need all those".. "Geez, Dad that's a lot of sprayers".. etc, etc

When we got home and I put about twenty of them to use it all made sense to him as he said "Too bad they didn't have more"

07-24-2007, 08:29 AM
Ooooooh pictures of products very nice :righton:

You got the entire line up for Optimum, nice. I agree those little bottles look great and colorfull nice :D

Nice vacum too oh and I like the little seat, that was something I purchased right after my very first detail.

Very nice collection you got there thanks for sharing looks great :D