View Full Version : Ink in leather

07-23-2007, 09:06 PM
Hey guys as most of you know im a police officer and lately ive been doing quite a few officers cars for them.... one officer has a gold 03 or 04 lexus es300 with the tan leather interior and the blue ink from her uniform is on it and i cant for the life of me get it off....(i just detail on my days off etc.) so i havent invested in an extractor or steam cleaner but i tried a few leather cleaners dp pb's etc. and a couple apc products just curious what you guys use to get it out. its very similar to a blue denim color

07-23-2007, 10:48 PM
Unless it is fresh I have not found a good way to remove it. I have tried magic erasers, steam, chemicals, etc.
There are a couple of specialized spotters just for this situation but I have not tried them yet. Even they don't guarantee perfection.
Good luck with the ink.

07-23-2007, 11:15 PM
Is it dye from the uniform fabric? That sounds like a tough one. Lexol Leather Cleaner PH seems to be a little stronger than some of the others. Maybe worth a try.

07-23-2007, 11:24 PM
Try woolite 10-1 diluted..if not woolite with a magic eraser

07-24-2007, 01:37 AM
Hey guys as most of you know im a police officer and lately ive been doing quite a few officers cars for them.... one officer has a gold 03 or 04 lexus es300 with the tan leather interior and the blue ink from her uniform is on it and i cant for the life of me get it off....(i just detail on my days off etc.) so i havent invested in an extractor or steam cleaner but i tried a few leather cleaners dp pb's etc. and a couple apc products just curious what you guys use to get it out. its very similar to a blue denim color
Please keep in mind that some spots are so stubborn that the removing them might remove leather coating (that's what happened with my '00 Acura TL with tan interior. I was using Connolly's hide care cleaner, and scrubbing the heck out ot leather, and actually removed some coating completely...)
Which state are your from by the way?

07-24-2007, 02:18 AM
Please keep in mind that some spots are so stubborn that the removing them might remove leather coating
:iagree: and also remove dyes from the leather.

Totoland Mach
07-24-2007, 07:00 AM
Rich: it's a dye transfer from the uniform to the leather. I see it a lot myself and here's what works for me: I use dishwashing liquid (Dawn, etc) diluted with warm water in a spray bottle and a boar's hair brush to scrub the leather without damaging the seat.

I scrub the seat area with the brush + soapy water, then remove excess with a terry towel. If you have a shop vac or compressed air, be sure to remove excess soapy water from the leather seams.

Note: you do have to be careful of some of the strong leather cleaners. They can actually remove the leather dye and ruin the seat.

Try the boar's hair brush treatment.


07-24-2007, 09:06 PM
Try woolite 10-1 diluted..if not woolite with a magic eraser
I agree with you Joe.

Toto, I will give that a try.