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05-17-2014, 10:55 PM
Coming home tonight in my F-250 (yes it`s a F@%D) two young girls come speeding up to my left and almost rammed me in the side.Thank God for my duel mirrors on both sides to see the lights right next to my truck.I swerved to the shoulder of the two lane street.When we both straightened out I look over at this small foreign car only to see her texting and driving.Not only is it dangerous but it`s illegal in Florida.These stupid kids dont realize that your phone lights up in the dark and it`s clearly visible.When we came to the red light I yelled at her to not text and drive.They did`nt put down their windows so I made hand motions on no texting but I`m sure it fell on deaf ears.Turn on the TV anytime and you see commercials on this matter and the dangers.Where are the Parents?My truck probably would have made it out better than that small car but who needs the hassle and what if they were seriously injured.
I`m done with my rant and thanks for listening.

05-17-2014, 10:57 PM
I got a ticket for driving and texting last year.....$180
Went to San Antonio in December got a speeding ticket going 63 on a 40

05-17-2014, 11:09 PM
Maybe it's because I'm young and my job is to drive, but I notice that most drivers on the road that are doing something dangerous tend to be older.

With that being said, I agree that texting and driving is incredibly stupid. Any distraction can be potentially dangerous, even glancing down to adjust the radio or HVAC.

05-17-2014, 11:19 PM
Coming home tonight in my F-250 (yes it`s a F@%D) two young girls come speeding up to my left and almost rammed me in the side.Thank God for my duel mirrors on both sides to see the lights right next to my truck.I swerved to the shoulder of the two lane street.When we both straightened out I look over at this small foreign car only to see her texting and driving.Not only is it dangerous but it`s illegal in Florida.These stupid kids dont realize that your phone lights up in the dark and it`s clearly visible.When we came to the red light I yelled at her to not text and drive.They did`nt put down their windows so I made hand motions on no texting but I`m sure it fell on deaf ears.Turn on the TV anytime and you see commercials on this matter and the dangers.Where are the Parents?My truck probably would have made it out better than that small car but who needs the hassle and what if they were seriously injured.
I`m done with my rant and thanks for listening.

Look around and watch how many ADULTS do it. Those are the parents... Monkey see monkey do. That's why I don't even look at my phone when the kids are in the car (or when they aren't). Not even at stoplights. If I see someone in front of me with their head down at a stoplight, they get exactly 1/2 second to go when it's green or they get a big long honk from me! I'm sick of it! In Iowa they are trying to make it a primary offense...right now you have to be pulled over for something else to get a ticket for texting. The best way to curb it is primary offense and make the tickets a really big number, like at least $300.

05-17-2014, 11:20 PM
•Thanks for your :rant:-ing:

•Great road-hazard reminder... :dblthumb2:


05-17-2014, 11:57 PM
Hey I`m not that popular so people in general dont feel compelled to be aware of my every action or whereabouts.I sold off the bulk of my company and my Wife runs whats left.Her phone beeps constantly while mine for the most part stays silent.The way I like it.Call me old skool but I barely talk and drive let alone text and drive. Safety first but I`ve been known to bang gears when I`m driving my Hot Rods.
(Disclaimer...I dont knowingly go above the posted speed limit.THATS MY STORY AND I`M STICKING WITH IT.)

05-18-2014, 02:57 AM
It really cringes me to see people text and drive. People don't understand that it is a HUGE distraction for the person texting as well as other people on the road. Hell, it even makes the person in another car look over at the person on their phones.

05-18-2014, 03:32 AM
I have a Fire dept PA in my Explorer and I'm not afraid to use it. It's a lot more fun than just blasting my horn. " Hey stupid, stop texting and go."
And it makes all the siren noises as well as a few other I have stored on a digital storage device.
My favorite is Godzilla at 125db. That works better than a horn.

05-18-2014, 05:25 AM
Personally, I feel that every vehicle should be equipped with an electronic jamming device that activates at 10mph disabling any cell phone type device....Your eyes belong on the road with your hands grasping the steering wheel.

If you need or desire to make a call and chat, pull over and do so safely....If you're stupid enough to text or call someone while driving your distracted and not fully in control of your vehicle. If you happen to hit me or one of my family members I can assure you you'll rethink the importance of that conversation...

05-18-2014, 06:25 AM
I don't text and drive. I do make phone calls though. But only through my cars Bluetooth. I see it everyday people on there cell phones, and yes its mostly parents on them glued to their ears. I usually just beep to let them know they are going to kill someone some day.

Sent from my XT907 using Tapatalk

05-18-2014, 06:28 AM
I work on a college campus and its sickening to see every kid walking around campus very rarely looking up like zombies walking around with their eyes glued to some piece of plastic in their hands.

They cross streets, buy lunch, sit in the lobby...and even walk in and out of bathrooms in the same trance.

So this was Steve Jobs vision of things. Can't wait till these kids actually have to function outside their techno cocoons.

05-18-2014, 06:57 AM
I MUST agree with ALL of the above!

Put down the device and GET A LIFE!

In the past 10 years or so each and every "close call" has been the result of some nimrod (male and/or female) either texting or yakking on the phone.


05-18-2014, 07:40 AM
My favorite is the multi-tasker cell phone,coffee,cigarette & maybe makeup

05-18-2014, 08:24 AM
I work on a college campus and its sickening to see every kid walking around campus very rarely looking up like zombies walking around with their eyes glued to some piece of plastic in their hands.

They cross streets, buy lunch, sit in the lobby...and even walk in and out of bathrooms in the same trance.

So this was Steve Jobs vision of things. Can't wait till these kids actually have to function outside their techno cocoons.

Hahahaha. This is very accurate

05-18-2014, 09:10 AM
I work on a college campus and its sickening to see every kid walking around campus very rarely looking up like zombies walking around with their eyes glued to some piece of plastic in their hands.

They cross streets, buy lunch, sit in the lobby...and even walk in and out of bathrooms in the same trance.

So this was Steve Jobs vision of things. Can't wait till these kids actually have to function outside their techno cocoons.

But that is the thing, the general public is not supposed to function outside of their cocoons. They are to be good little boys and girls who consume information fed to them at top dollar.

Why would corporations, governments, etc want free thinking men?

Easier to control animals...