View Full Version : Steam clean water spots?

Tanner Krabill
05-14-2014, 11:21 PM
I have a Tahoe to do on Friday that the passenger side is caked with water spots. I believe they're type 1. I have the vx5000 steamer and just wondering if I can use that to remove them?
Thanks in advance!

05-14-2014, 11:47 PM
I don't have an answer for the steam method, but may I suggest using CarPro Spotless instead? I am sure it is a lot quicker than steam. Simply clean surface, spray Spotless, use yellow foam applicator pad work the product as if you are waxing the panel, and finally rinse off. I think usibg steam, you have to pretty mich tackle each one, one by one compared to the aforementioned method.

Tanner Krabill
05-15-2014, 01:14 AM
Ok great. Thanks I'll give that a shot.

05-15-2014, 01:34 AM
+1 for Spotless.

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