View Full Version : pH Neutral Wheel Cleaners as Tire Cleaners?

Setec Astronomy
05-13-2014, 08:01 PM
Back in my pre-Autogeekian days, I used to clean my wheels with P21S, and scrub them with the yellow sponge. By the time I was done a lot of cleaner had run out onto the tire at the bottom, so I would scrub that up over the rest of the tire with my brush and it seemed to do a pretty good job of cleaning the tire, then I would spray with some dressing and be done.

Now that my wheels are polished and sealed, I never use wheel cleaner, just car soap, which I used to scrub the tires with also, but we all know how that works. So then I started using a dilultable alkaline tire cleaner. I used it full strength the first time (as directed) and the never-ending brown suds made me think I was killing the tire, I felt like I was leaching all the anti-ozonant out. I now usually use it diluted and may have to clean a tire 2 or 3 times to get all the brown.

So I was thinking about this today and decided to try some Griot's Wheel Cleaner on a tire. First of all there was no brown gunk when I sprayed it on, and I said..."this isn't going to work". I let it sit for a minute, then I scrubbed, and got gray suds, not brown (another bad sign to my mind). After I rinsed the tire was black, and rubbing my finger on it revealed no dirt or dressing residue (I should note that these tires haven't been dressed for a long time, which might have an effect).

Anyway, my brief test seemed to give me pretty positive results, what are y'alls experience or comments on this?

05-13-2014, 08:07 PM
I can't say I've used something that was specifically for wheels on tires. But I assume it would still do a decent job.

Setec Astronomy
05-13-2014, 08:18 PM
Products like P21S and Griot's are more like concentrated car soaps than acid or caustic wheel cleaners.

05-13-2014, 08:29 PM
S100's Wheel Cleaner still doubles as my tire cleaner.


05-13-2014, 08:30 PM
I really like Mothers All Wheel and Tire Cleaner for tires. It is not very cost effective however.

05-14-2014, 07:44 AM
I really like Mothers All Wheel and Tire Cleaner for tires. It is not very cost effective however.

I'm using this now as my wheel/tire cleaner and it rocks; just too expensive in bulk :-(

05-14-2014, 08:06 AM
I tried out Autofinesse Imperial Wheel Cleaner on tires this past weekend and it worked ok - not as great as a dedicated tire cleaner, but a lot better than I expected.