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07-21-2007, 09:53 PM
I detailed my Father-in-Law’s Nissan Frontier. I borrowed his truck for a remodeling project so I wanted to return it to him better than when I got it. Too say his truck was dirty would be a gross understatement. Filthy inside and out with tons of scratches, and paint from what I assume to be a couple of minor accidents. Maybe he hit a pole or something. There are scratches that require wet sanding and a rotary, or in other words, a professional! Anyway, here is the process…

Poorboy’s Super Slick + Bug Squash in AG foam gun
Black Shmitt
Clayed during wash

Orange Grease Lighting in wells
Poorboy’s Spray & Rinse
Meg’s wheel brush
Kratcher Pressure Washer
The wheels were so dirty I had to do them twice and that was using PB Spray & Rinse!

After all was done, I applied DP Gloss Tire Gel to the tires and No Touch spray on the wells.

Paint Correction:
UDM baby, UDM! I love it! It has been a long time since I used a PC so it is a bit difficult to justly compare, but my memory tells me the UDM is heavier, more powerful, and at speed six lots of vibration. I really like the power the UDM delivers; it seemed to make the job go much faster. I also like the way the controls work on the UDM compared to the PC.

XMT 3 on a CCS 6.5 Orange pad. Okay, the only polish I had used before was Poorboy’s and I like it. I got this XMT back in February when I won the January contest. I have to say this XMT 3 is awesome! I planned to follow with XMT 2, but I did not need to. The XMT 3 cleaned the paint and corrected everything it could. Lesson learned: when the polish doesn’t remove the damage or scratch on the first pass, don’t feel deflated, keep at it. Also, some scratches are not going to come out unless you can wet sand and/or use a rotary. That doesn’t mean an average Joe like me can’t make a difference, because I made a huge difference with the UDM and XMT 3. It was a rewarding experience.

I rewashed the car with PB Super Slick Suds (I used the last of my bottle :( )

I switched to a CCS 6.5” white pad and applied XMT Carnuba Glaze. I’m not sure I really like this stuff. It is very watery (yes I shook the bottle) and I really did not see any difference after applying. My gut tells me it made a difference.

I followed up with XMT 180 paste wax by hand wiping off with a Cobra Indigo. It went on easy, but I can’t say I prefer it over DP Max Wax.


The interior was bad. The floor mats were disgusting. I followed the lesson I learned from D&D and used the pressure washer, DP Carpet Cleaner and the white Cyclo Brush on the UDM. As you can see in the pictures it was a dramatic difference. I was not able to remove every satin, but it made a huge improvement.

The interior got a good cleaning with DP Total Interior followed by Poorboy’s Natural Look.

Glass: DP Krystal Vision

I started at 9:15, took a few breaks and finished up at 5:30. I’m tired!

Tips on ways to improve are appreciated!

Wheels when I started:

Wheels during:

Wheels finished:

Before Hood:

After Hood:

Before, black paint, or something that did not come off with wash or clay:

After XMT 3, no black stuff!:

Scratches were bad before:

After, scratches there but not so many or as bad:

Another After Shot:

Before Interior:

After Interior:

07-21-2007, 11:03 PM
What a turn around on that truck there Reddwarf, It's funny becuase I'm big on exterior but the interior is something that I'm getting hooked on. I spend the same amount of time in the interiror as I do in the exterior.

Really enjoyed your write up and the results are good.

Thanks for sharing. Good job.

07-22-2007, 06:43 AM
Looks great. It was very nice of you to return the truck fully detailed. You Father-In-Law must have been happy to see it so clean. Nice write-up too.

07-22-2007, 06:54 AM
Nice job! The car looks fantastic, nice glow in that silver! I like it ;) The interior looks great to, the mats was really bad!!

Gary Sword
07-22-2007, 07:01 AM
Very nice Reddwarf, what a nice son-in-law.

07-22-2007, 07:32 AM
Big difference! Look good!

07-22-2007, 08:26 AM
nice job..i'm sure your father-in-law was happy with your work..

07-22-2007, 09:22 AM
Very thoughtful and great work. I'll bet he offers you the truck to use monthly now!

07-22-2007, 12:26 PM
Great work! That truck's gleaming! Great job on that interior! I love this shot. Looks wet, wet, wet! What did you use on the truck bed?

07-22-2007, 12:53 PM
Alban, Thanks! I didn't use anything on the bed except for the trim on top of the truck. In fact all of the trim received PB Trim Restorer. But in the bed itself I just washed it with the PB soap.

07-22-2007, 01:04 PM
great job there dwarf! truck looks SAWEET!

bill walsh
07-22-2007, 01:09 PM
great looking looks like my brothers ford ranger truck that at times i think he lives in

07-22-2007, 01:23 PM
Nice job reddwarf! Love the removal of the scratches!

07-22-2007, 01:39 PM
Looks good. Glad my carpet mat write up helped. What do you think the clear was like on that?

07-22-2007, 02:53 PM
Looks good. Glad my carpet mat write up helped. What do you think the clear was like on that?

My guess would be on the soft side.