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07-21-2007, 11:18 AM
Decided to post this here to maybe help me, by talking about it. I've been having a dull headache. neck and shoulder stiffness since Tuesday evening, after coming to the decision to euthanize an old friend of 15 years. This was done on Tuesday evening at the vet's. He was a cat named Whiskers by my sons when there were kids. He wasn't the stereotypical cat that just eats and sleeps. He came to greet you when you came home. Jumped up on the bed to wait for you while you changed out of your work clothes. At 10pm every night, he'd "meow" at you as he walked to the bedroom to remind you it was bedtime (that's the time I get ready for bed on weekdays). He'd wait at the foot of the bed while we brushed our teeth etc. He'd still wait while my wife got in bed. Then when I turned off the bathroom light and hopped in bed, he'd jump up on the bed and head over onto my chest for his goodnight rub. After that he'd go over to my wife and rub his head on hers before lying down to sleep. He seemed to know the sounds of our cars (I'm guessing) because his ears would perk up, and he'd go over and sit by the front door. I'd look out the door and sure enough, my wife was pulling into her parking spot. My wife noticed the same thing too, when I came home later than her. There were many other things that made him special.
He started losing weight and getting weak, about 1 month ago. Vet discovered high liver readings, on his bloodwork. Got 3 different meds to give him. No improvement, and he was losing more weight. He couldn't seem to have bowel movements, ate and drank very little. He started hiding away, and slept alot. Took him on Tuesday to the vet's and she discovered a fast-growing mass on his liver. There was nothing she could do, and the only other option was to put him to sleep. The vet left us alone for about 20 mins. My wife was crying, and I was a little too. Maybe Whiskers knew something was up (I don't know), because he found the strength to walk over to me and my wife to rub his head against us and purr, as we stroked and petted him. We sat on the floor and he laid down between us. When the vet came back into the room, we knew it was time. The vet picked him off the floor, and he called out twice to us. I gave him a quick rub. My wife and I couldn't bear to be in the room when they put him to sleep. It would've been too much for us.
My wife has expressed that she feels guilty for not being there with him. I feel the same way now, but I know I wouldn't have been able to stand there and watch him pass. But it still eats away at me. Does this make us bad "parents?"
Sorry such a very long post, but I had to get this off my chest.
Here is a picture of our friend.

07-21-2007, 11:34 AM
Sounds like our cat, answers to his name, rolls over to rub his belly and comes over when you come home...I didn't know any other cat like that till you posted. Sorry to hear...

07-21-2007, 11:44 AM
RIP Whiskers don't feel bad as I don't know if I could stand and watch my best friend/child substitute be put down. But in the end you did whas was right and stoped the pain, no need to let him live in pain.

07-21-2007, 11:49 AM
Sorry to hear about your Cat. It does help to talk about it. Especially when it makes you remember the good times. I had to do the same to my German Shepard of 15 years, I know your pain. There diffinetly apart of your family.

07-21-2007, 11:52 AM
i feel your pain buddy..our family went through the samething with our chocolate cockerspainiel (mocha) at the time we put her to sleep she was only 7 years old and sick for a long time..

like you i didn't want to be there when the vet put her down either did my wife as she said her goodbyes in the car..i beleive the dog knew exactly what was about to happen which made it much harder..

and no your not a bad parent ..you weren't selfish and made the right choice for whiskers...

07-21-2007, 11:54 AM
Great Whiskers may rest in peace, great friend and great memories. It was for the best to be put to sleep.

07-21-2007, 11:58 AM
One of lifes tough ones. Our little buddies become part of our families. You saved Whiskers a lot of pain and I'll bet he knew that. Very sorry for your loss.

07-21-2007, 12:02 PM
I'm sorry for your loss. Please don't feel guilty.
You did the right thing, and I'm sure Whiskers knew that as well.
All the best to you and your wife.

07-21-2007, 12:22 PM
I am so sorry, Alban. I feel your pain....ours were min pins Maxine and Sasha, and you get past it, but you never get over it. I believe one day Whiskers will meet you on the other side...God bless, and you have my sympathies.

07-21-2007, 01:34 PM
wow, that really got to me :( . I am sooooo sorry to hear that :( . I dont think i would have been able to watch him putdown. You did the right thing, no mistakes, theres nothing to regret. Its tough to move on, i have lost many pets, and it is the worst feeling ever.

07-21-2007, 01:43 PM
Almost reminds me of Animal Planet when people are putting their pets down or they have injured dogs etc on, can't watch that stuff, its upsetting. My animals are part of my family.

07-21-2007, 02:40 PM
Alban, don't feel guilty. I can never see any pet put to sleep, it's just too depressing. I'm sure Whiskers didn't want any of you to see him be put to sleep. You did the right thing and took the pain away from him. Your story really got to me. I see pets as family, and it's depressing when a family member has to go away. I have a friend who had to have her dog be put to sleep because of liver disease. She didn't stay in the room because she could never see her dog go away like that. I hope you and your wife feel better Alban. Again, you did the right thing.

07-21-2007, 02:40 PM
Sorry for your loss alban61. We had a close call with one of cats...he was doing the same thing; wouldn't eat, was hiding and sleeping all day. We thought it was his time(because he is seventeen) but when we took him in he had a golf ball size cyst on his stomach. To lose him would be like losing an good friend.

07-21-2007, 03:20 PM
So sorry to hear of your losing of your friend, alban. It's so difficult to make the decision to put a pet to sleep, but it's the right thing to do when the time comes. The curse of pets is that they just don't live long enough. I'm dreading the day I have to face it with my two dogs.

07-21-2007, 03:29 PM
Thank you all for the kind words. I do feel better, and thank you for sharing your pet stories too. Yes, they do become a big part of your family, and I'm sorry for your losses too.
Thank you, my AG family for helping......and I really do mean this.