View Full Version : Sonax Net Shield over Cquartz?

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Excessive Detail
04-30-2014, 01:57 PM
I just this past year got around to using coatings, I know im a little late in the game, I was kinda skeptical about them.. Up till now Ihad been relying on collinite 476 and 845 for protection duration and water beading, usually topped with a carnuba like Sovren for looks.. But that all changed when I purchased a can of Sonax Net Shield. I was floored by the water beading, durability and varying application possibilities (paint, glass, plastic,etc..). So now seeing that coatings are indeed a game changer.. I am now ready to step it up and get a true coating like Cquartz or GTechniq, unfortunately Im having a hell of time deciding between the 2.. still researching it, but im kinda leaning toward Cquartz.. Anyways, aside from that, through my research I also came across instances were people use a product like sonax net shield on top of the two mentioned coatings. Anybody tried this or want to put there two cents in??? My thinking was it would enhance the water beading of the initial coating.

04-30-2014, 02:26 PM
As many people that will probably say that they:
Will use/Are using...something, or another...on top of a Coating...

There will probably be just as many that will ask:
"You've got to be kidding!!!...Why?"

Count me in the latter group!


04-30-2014, 02:30 PM
I tend to lean with FUNX725, I watch a video today of the GTechniq and I can only wonder why you would need anything more.


Excessive Detail
04-30-2014, 02:40 PM
As many people that will probably say that they:
Will use/Are using...something, or another...on top of a Coating...

There will probably be just as many that will ask:
"You've got to be kidding!!!...Why?"

Count me in the latter group!


I guess it would be better to just stick with the recommended sprays, like reload for cquartz and c2v3 for gtechniq.. I was wondering if maybe the sonax would act like the EVO coating I see a lot of people apply over c1, and since cquartz doesn't offer anything like EVO, figured maybe the sonax could act like it..

04-30-2014, 02:54 PM
I guess it would be better to just stick with the recommended sprays, like reload for cquartz and c2v3 for gtechniq.. I was wondering if maybe the sonax would act like the EVO coating I see a lot of people apply over c1, and since cquartz doesn't offer anything like EVO, figured maybe the sonax could act like it..
Again: Why?

Look at whom is doing the recommending of these sprays you have mentioned.

Won't the above sprays...and/or: other "toppers", et al...
now become the "new" top-coat film-layer---thus defeating the purposes of Coatings' characteristics that are, supposedly, so sought after?

I've said this before:
"Coatings are a Commitment"!!

Now it appears, it's in more ways, than just:


04-30-2014, 03:28 PM
I just did my first coating and it was uk 2014 edition. I will never use a wax on my own cars again. It looks as good as anything I've ever used and almost all of the dirt literally rinses off.

04-30-2014, 04:35 PM
I guess it would be better to just stick with the recommended sprays, like reload for cquartz and c2v3 for gtechniq.. I was wondering if maybe the sonax would act like the EVO coating I see a lot of people apply over c1, and since cquartz doesn't offer anything like EVO, figured maybe the sonax could act like it..

I have C1 topped with EXO and can see why you would want something to make CQuartz more "slick". I think you should have no problem topping it with SONAX PNS, especially if you already have it. I see no reason why you shouldn't give it a try.

I don't know if Reload will add to the slickness, but in the case of PNS, in my research it seems like people are split whether or not to put it on top of a coating. I know that I'm thinking about topping my family's cars with Opti-Coat with PNS. Good luck if you do it! Happy detailing!

Excessive Detail
04-30-2014, 04:51 PM
Again: Why?

Look at whom is doing the recommending of these sprays you have mentioned.

Won't the above sprays...and/or: other "toppers", et al...
now become the "new" top-coat film-layer---thus defeating the purposes of Coatings' characteristics that are, supposedly, so sought after?

I've said this before:
"Coatings are a Commitment"!!

Now it appears, it's in more ways, than just:


Yes the companys who make the coatings offer a spray or topper for there coatings, and while that may seem like a sales ploy of some sort I still believe they know a little more than we do about the coatings or we would be making them ourselves.. If you research these so called toppers they are for the most part they are either made up of the same thing but in a cut down version, which in my opinion can only add to the coating in a positive manner, blending in with the existing coating.. For instance the net shield and its counter part spray both offer the same exact being beading affect on there own, but as one would expect the spray doesn't last but a couple of days, but I also believe that the coating does, lets say "nourish" the coating and add to it increasing its longevity.

Now honestly this statement only holds true for me with th sonax products because that's all I have ever used, but seeing the results makes me want to believe that the other products will work just the same..

I main reason for this questions was going off what Ive read and seeing if anyone else has tried this approach, using two completely different coatings together.

04-30-2014, 05:30 PM
Yes the companys who make the coatings offer a spray or topper for there coatings, and while that may seem like a sales ploy of some sort I still believe they know a little more than we do about the coatings or we would be making them ourselves.. If you research these so called toppers they are for the most part they are either made up of the same thing but in a cut down version, which in my opinion can only add to the coating in a positive manner, blending in with the existing coating.. For instance the net shield and its counter part spray both offer the same exact being beading affect on there own, but as one would expect the spray doesn't last but a couple of days, but I also believe that the coating does, lets say "nourish" the coating and add to it increasing its longevity.

Now honestly this statement only holds true for me with th sonax products because that's all I have ever used, but seeing the results makes me want to believe that the other products will work just the same..

I main reason for this questions was going off what Ive read and seeing if anyone else has tried this approach, using two completely different coatings together.
^^^I now see why you probably have the above inclinations...^^^

From this thread:

The only thing I would top it with would be Sonax Brilliant Shine Detailer say every couple of washes, after every wash or between washes you can wipe it down with a good QD.. I also like to use CG Hybrid V7 to wipe it down, its a step below the Sonax Brilliant Shine Detailer, but a definate step above a QD.. None will affect the performance of the NPS

I've used it topped with collinite 915 and works great. As a pro detailer told me, the main use of the net shield is as a preparation for nano lack, increasing its bonding.

Ive read it was the other way around that net shield was the topper for nano lack...

Now is as good as time as any, to try to convince me that your decisions regarding:
"topping/layering" Coatings...weren't already


04-30-2014, 06:00 PM
As many people that will probably say that they:
Will use/Are using...something, or another...on top of a Coating...

There will probably be just as many that will ask:
"You've got to be kidding!!!...Why?"

Count me in the latter group!


Carpro recommends Reload over CQ coatings. Wouldn't this pretty much be similar to a person choosing something else to top their coating?

Mike lambert
04-30-2014, 06:03 PM
Sonax designed pns to go over the coating they have in Europe . I have talked to them and you can put it on coatings. You can put anything over coatings as long as you realize you will be looking at the characteristics of the top coat. I have ammo skin over c quartz finest with no problems.

04-30-2014, 06:24 PM
I just did my first coating and it was uk 2014 edition. I will never use a wax on my own cars again. It looks as good as anything I've ever used and almost all of the dirt literally rinses off.
How is the CQUK "2014 Edition" differentiated from any previous CQUK Editions?

Does the "2014 Edition's"-label reflect the changes in the formula's ingredients---and their newest %s?
-SiO2......70% (total)
-Fluorine...5% (more)


04-30-2014, 07:00 PM
I guess we can't leave our cars alone, and like to wax to cover the already shiny coating (ceramic, glass, whatever). With any quality coating then we know what is going to happen a few weeks or months after, the wax is going to wash off (well it is just going to slide off).

I hate ceramic/glass coatings, all you have to do is wash and dry, that is no fun at all.

04-30-2014, 07:16 PM
This is hilarious....best chuckle I've had all day. Comedians all.

Excessive Detail
05-01-2014, 07:42 AM
^^^I now see why you probably have the above inclinations...^^^

From this thread:

Now is as good as time as any, to try to convince me that your decisions regarding:
"topping/layering" Coatings...weren't already


Not sure what your getting at, but those are two different threads, that one i commented on after i made this one... no link between..