View Full Version : Pad cleaning

04-12-2014, 04:39 PM
I know that there are pad washing machines and pad cleaning solutions but is it ok to throw them in the washing machine with an apc or even All?

04-12-2014, 04:55 PM
I know that there are pad washing machines and pad cleaning solutions but is it ok to throw them in the washing machine with an apc or even All?

I wouldn't. You can soak them in a bucket with tide and water, let em sit for alittle bit, then dry them face down (Velcro up) on a soft towel

04-12-2014, 04:55 PM
Follow manufactures wash recommendations.

04-12-2014, 05:09 PM
Here is my OCD method.

I have a bucket with about 2 gallons of water and add a cup of purple power. When a pad gets spent during a session in the bucket it goes. It just keeps the polish residue from drying on the pad and makes them easier to clean.

Then after the job the get wrung out really well and put in a bucket with plain water while i'm cleaning up to remove the APC as much as possible.

Wring them out again use some CG pad cleaner work it into the pads let dwell ten minutes and rinse clean. I air dry only in a dish rack face down with the Heaviest cut pad on the bottom. The coarser the pad the more water it retains.

The reason I do this I want spotless pads but even more important I don't need to have to worry about cross contamination of product used on the pads.

I never dry pads in the dryer it can damage the bond between the velcro and pad.

Then when it's time

04-13-2014, 01:00 PM
I have a 3 gal bucket with some CG pad cleaner solution/water that I throw the pads in. After they've soaked for a bit I use a nylon brush (got from wal-mart) to scrub the pads and then I wash them out with water.

If they need an additional wash, I will throw them in the washer (separate load) with some All Free Clear--this is always after I've already used pad cleaner on them. You can use an APC, but you need to be sure you wash that stuff out very well.

Lakeside Detail
04-13-2014, 01:11 PM
I have been liking the Blackfire pad cleaner in the tub. I do a half scoop to a gallon of water. I let them soak overnight sometimes. Yesterday I had some Yellow CCS pads that were caked with 2 hour old dry m105. I hit them with a pressure washer first with the nozzle fairly close and it almost cleaned the pad completely.

04-13-2014, 05:20 PM
I would always clean my pads in the washer and then allow to air dry. I have never been happy with the results, but I did like the lack of work on my part with that method.

Here lately, I have been pressure washing my pads, and I am impressed. I actually pressure washed some MF pads I had previously washed in the washer and I was impressed with how much residue I could see being blasted off the pads.

After PWing the pads, I spin them on the rotary to remove the bulk of the water and then I set them out to air dry.