View Full Version : Is all of this for naught ?

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07-18-2007, 08:02 AM
From what I have been reading, the answer to everything is Zaino.. Just apply the stuff and you have a wonderfully fantastic long lasting shine... So why are we all spending endless hours discussing the merits of products that seem to be out of step with modern technology ? I do not own any Zaino and have never used it, but maybe I am just out of step.

07-18-2007, 08:19 AM
Zaino is too rich for my blood. I've never used it but have seen vehicles that have. Being the owner of a small part time detailing business, I can't justify the cost. Most if not all customers don't know the difference from one product to the next. They only want a clean shiny car. My prices are low as it is and if my prices doubled I would be sitting on a boat load of chemicals and no cars to use them on.

07-18-2007, 08:19 AM
Zaino is good and I have most of their lineup, but I don't really use it that much anymore. I have found other products that are easier to apply and remove. Currently, I only use it on the roofs of my vehicles as it does seem to last a decent amount of time. However, having to apply Z1, let that dry, then add a layer of Z5 followed by Z2 Pro, it all makes for a lenghty process. Don't get me wrong, it looks really good, but there are other products that looks just as good if not better with less effort.

07-18-2007, 08:20 AM
IMO, Zaino gives NO depth to the paint. Way too fake of a shine. The most use I see it from are people who really dont do much product research. Plus the process is ridiculous.

07-18-2007, 08:45 AM
What is so confusing is the number of people on the forums that did side by side tests and Zaino always seemed to come out on top. I have a friend that does Zaino on his car. Reminded me of a plastic coating.. I did not like it at all.

07-18-2007, 09:01 AM
Reminded me of a plastic coating.. I did not like it at all.

Yep, exactly. I dont understand why people use it. Its expensive, you dont get much product, it takes forever, and gives a fake shine.

07-18-2007, 09:28 AM
What is so confusing is the number of people on the forums that did side by side tests and Zaino always seemed to come out on top. I have a friend that does Zaino on his car. Reminded me of a plastic coating.. I did not like it at all.

In your OP you said "So why are we all spending endless hours discussing the merits of products that seem to be out of step with modern technology ? "

So I'm confused.

07-18-2007, 11:31 AM
I did a side by side of Zaino Z2 and Collinite 845. The 845 looked better and lasted long than the Z2. It had more depth and a slicker finish. But it was a durability test and not looks. The 845 is still beading like day one. That was 6 months ago, the Z2 is starting to sheet a little.

Zaino IMO, is all hype. It doesn't look that great, it leaves the paint very steril and boreing, and if there is any flake in the paint, it begins to mute after a few coats. The layering concept is also junk. That and the whole "It's 99.9% optically perfect and clear, but ad 3 or more layers for more depth" line is garbage.....but that is just my opinion.

It isn't so much the product that bothers me, but some of the super die-hard users that think you are a joke if you don't use the all mighty "Z" and refuse to accept any other products exist.

/End rant

07-18-2007, 11:45 AM
I have nothing against Zanio, but I have a friend who uses it religiously on his ZO6, I swear its a Vette thing lol. The process to me is just annoying. And like said above, simple wax like Collinite 845 or 915 not only looks great with that carnauba depth/wettness, but it has the durability as well. I applied 915 to some of our vehicles back in January and it's still beading (did two coats).

The new Zanio stuff looks much better then old though, the old stuff looked like plastic wrap on a car, DG 111 looks similar to that old Zanio as well (though DG 105 looks awsome).

07-18-2007, 12:06 PM
I have nothing against Zanio, but I have a friend who uses it religiously on his ZO6, I swear its a Vette thing lol.

Wow, it must be! The two vette owners I know use it too!

07-18-2007, 12:08 PM
Zaino was hard as crap to remove....took forever...I hated it.

07-18-2007, 12:17 PM
Wow, it must be! The two vette owners I know use it too!And its a black ZO6, tried making him use some of my waxes but he's like nothing will touch my car but Zanio, I left him a sticky note on his car once that said "Zanio Zealot" :D ...don't think he knew what it meant as he's not into any forums or anything.

07-18-2007, 12:21 PM
Two red ones here, one is a z06. Ill be doing the z06 soon, and the other after a little convincing! Both will get Menzerna and Souveran Paste! Well see if they go back to Zaino after that!

07-18-2007, 01:05 PM
On a GTO forum that gregsgoat and I belong to used to be full of the Zaino Nazis. Any detail thread would be crashed by them instantly telling people to use zaino and it was the best thing ever.

I used it for a few months and spend an entire weekend doing the "zaino process". It has 50 steps and is complicated. The whole thing is designed to use as much expensive product as possible to give you the "best" look. Use all that expensive product then go buy more zaino. Zaino won't sell in bulk and charges out the rear end for their products. After all that work, the car still doesn't look that great.

On the site, people who have tried something other then zaino never go back. In the past few months the zaino nazis have decreased and a lot more people are using other products. A few people have even switched to Souveran or SSII.

07-18-2007, 02:21 PM
I have nothing against Zanio, but I have a friend who uses it religiously on his ZO6, I swear its a Vette thing lol.
(though DG 105 looks awsome).

No ~ it is not a vette thing. I am not buying or trying it. Why, when there is plenty of better stuff here?
Souveran, and did I mention Souveran? So don't stereotype Vette owners, Surfer Dude. :D :D :D