View Full Version : Son1c's Protowax 93 Initial Impressions

04-06-2014, 02:01 PM
Hey all,
I don't post here much, but I am a frequent lurker and learner of the plethora of information on these forums. Son1c poured me a pot of Protowax 93 in advance because I could not sign up for the Detail Box due to being in Canada, so I received it earlier than those who signed up for the Detail Box program. My initial impressions are not as in-depth as Dr. Pain's, but merely my own quick review of what I have observed thus far.

Initial impressions for those interested:

-Softest Son1cwax I have tried so far. I thought when I took my first swipe that I had taken too much too fast due to the softness, but that one swipe lasted a long time. I think personally I am more of a fan of the harder waxes, but that is a trade off as they are more difficult to apply. I feel like this wax will be better for a large audience, rather than Carnaubavore which I feel is a specialty boutique wax for enthusiasts (but is one of my favourite waxes to date).
-The smell reminds me very much of Carnaubavore in that it smells like a Starburst candy, but has a definite chemical undertone that lingers on the nose. That might be something Son1c will want to clear up for the final product.
-It goes a very long way! One good swipe on the applicator, and it covered an entire front fender on a Honda Civic. Very impressed on that.
-Smooth application. Goes on like butter, and is not grabby at all, even on a non-clayed surface (I didn't bother claying because I just wanted to do a test spot with the wax as I was too excited.) Obviously this will change the durability, but that is not really what I was looking for in this test.
-Very slick removal with a microfiber. For those of you who tried the Carnaubavore protowaxes, you had to use some elbow grease or some quick detail spray to make removal easier. With this one, that process is not required. Wipe off with one side, then buff with the other and it is almost all gone. I did notice in another application where I may have applied it a little thick, there was a bit of streakiness that required some extra buffing.
-Brings out metallic flake really well. Makes them pop! I tested this on a Nighthawk Black (blue metallic flake) Honda Civic, and it really helped to bring clarity to the metallic flake, even on a non-polished surface.
-Beads well, but sheets even better. Water does not want to be there at all!
-As a testament to the beading and sheeting qualities of this wax, I applied it to only the hood of my DD. I got caught in a rain/sleet storm this past week. My entire car is filthy, but the hood is still perfectly clean as everything just ran right off. I was extremely impressed by that. I wish I'd have taken a picture.
-Colour is a peachy kind of colour. Personally I think it would have been cool to do some kind of a different colour like blue or green, but I am sure there are actual reasons why the waxes are usually 'warm' colours.

I haven't had time to do a full vehicle application yet, but hopefully this weather will start warming up soon (was -26 today when I initially wrote this review) and I can start doing some proper detailing. I want to cover a 2013 Red Dodge Ram with this wax when I can. It should look pretty good. I will probably coat my cousin's torch red 03 Cobra in it as well. I will make a new thread when I actually get around to doing those.

Here you can see the 'peachy' colour of the wax.

As Son1c says, "it's beadiful" on the hood of my Honda Accord DD


Here you can see the frozen beading on my car during that sleet storm the other day. And yes, that's a 6 foot snow bank in the background.


Cliff Notes:
Extreme beading and sheeting.
Scent could use some improvement.
Most user friendly Son1c Wax so far.

I wish I had a sweet Benz to show off like Dr. Pain, but instead you're stuck with pictures on a Honda. I would highly recommend purchasing this wax when the final formula is released.

04-06-2014, 10:30 PM
Nice wright up. I love the the frozen beading.

04-08-2014, 07:58 PM
Thanks for posting this Cameron! Very happy to read your thoughts on the wax and love the beading shots! Quit neglecting your electric blue and give it some SON1C Wax ;)

Flash Gordon
04-08-2014, 09:04 PM
Nice beads, nice review. Look forward to testing my sample out very soon

john c.
04-08-2014, 09:33 PM
I would like too add a few observations that I have after using this wax. I used in direct sunlight on a 45 degree day. With no ill effects. On a hotter day there might be. Might dry and haze too quickly before it is worked into the paint. Will see once it gets hotter. Wax gave very crisp and deep reflections in sunlight and also at night under street lights.My silver hondas paint looked like it was wet from the shone that the wax gave. Very impressive !This is the best SON1C wax too date.

04-10-2014, 07:44 AM
Good observations John.
I guess I should also add that I applied mine in a heated garage at about 19 degrees Celsius.
It was left to haze for 15 minutes and actually did haze quite well! I should have taken a picture of the "swipe" test to post. It was a clean swipe.

Edit: to Son1c, the mustang has been in storage since October :( hoping to bring it home Sunday just on temp insurance so I can start working on it some, and trying out these products. I think I want to do a round of Merry Waxmas on it.