View Full Version : Ant invasion

03-31-2014, 07:17 AM
Hi everyone,

Got a message from a friend last night saying her relatively new Hyundai Santa Fe has been invaded by tiny black ants.

This car is clean - no food, etc. laying around so my question is how to best help / deal with removal and prevent re-occurrence?

Obviously she's vacuumed thoroughly but I'm wondering if any of those "bait" things could be used to help?

Any experiences / feedback appreciated...

03-31-2014, 07:35 AM
It's because it's a Hyundai korean crap piece of junk...

Ok ok no no... I'd use that Reid spray (do a test spot on the carpet first to see for any discoloration), and after you use that, try a few of those ant traps and maybe use a bacteria killer spray as well.

03-31-2014, 07:48 AM
Any uncles, or just ants?

I've never heard of a car being invaded by ants. Really strange. What do they eat if there is no food in the car?

03-31-2014, 07:54 AM
Any uncles, or just ants?

I've never heard of a car being invaded by ants. Really strange. What do they eat if there is no food in the car?

Yeah, never seen this before either. No uncles, by the way. I haven't had a look at it yet but will try to today. We shall see...

03-31-2014, 08:10 AM
Ok. Well I have 2 suggestions. First, I wouldn't spray Raid on any other pesticide in the car. Most of those things are neurotoxins. While generally considered safe in humans, a closed area like a car can make exposure more intense. Sensitive people may not fair well.

1. Get some Terro ant traps from the any hardware store and put them under the seat. I've used these before and they really work well.


2. Consider getting an ant eater as a pet. Put his bed and water in the car - soon your problem will be gone. I think they are kind of cute.


03-31-2014, 08:13 AM
Most ant species are territorial; some aggressively. The queen sets the tone though so where she goes, everyone else follows.

Go to a local hardware store and get some Terro bait traps. Put traps in a number of places in the vehicle. After a few days the hive should be destroyed. You will be able to tell it is working in two distinct ways:

1- You will see ants hoarding one or more traps; some will die right there.
2- The infestation you see elsewhere will diminish; you will see less and less ants.

Assuming you get some joy, just leave a trap or two in inconspicuous areas for a month or so. Once you have traps that have not been touched you know this particular problem is solved.

03-31-2014, 08:16 AM
Now that i think of the Reid spray, you may want to avoid that as mentioned above. Probably leave that as last resort.

Set up the traps, and wait it out. Or get an ant eater.

03-31-2014, 08:47 AM
For some reason liquid ant bait never worked around my house....
Sorry nothing to contribute here.... have not experienced anything such as